Alumni Spotlight
Meet Jessica Lincoln, MS, RDN, CNSC
Clinical Registered Dietitian at Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, Arizona
USI Degree: Bachelor of Science in Food and Nutrition - Dietetics in 2016
From: Palatine, Illinois
Currently lives in: Scottsdale, Arizona
What is your current occupation?
I am currently a Clinical Registered Dietitian at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Arizona, specializing in Gastroenterology and Hepatology. I complete nutrition assessments and diet educations for patients with gastrointestinal and liver conditions but also work in our enteral and parenteral clinic.
What brought you to USI?
Running brought me to USI. I previously was looking at other schools but decided to meet the USI cross country and track coach Mike Hillyard on an official visit during my senior year in High School. I had visited the campus one time prior to my official visit, as my high school cross country team ran the Night Flight Race over the summer on the USI campus. During that race, I had enjoyed the campus and the overall atmosphere. However, I never imagined USI would be the school for me as I originally thought I had wanted to go into food science. On my official visit I fell in love with the campus and my future teammates. Dr McCullough even set-up a plan to help guide me with classes for a potential career in Food Science, but shortly after starting my degree in Nutrition and Dietetics I fell in love with nutrition, especially in healthcare, and the rest was history.
Please tell us how the College of Nursing and Health Professions prepared you for your career.
Throughout my internship, while pursuing my master’s degree, and my career I have been told time and time again how prepared and knowledgeable I am and often am asked where I went to school. USI ultimately gave me the foundation that I needed to further expand my knowledge and challenge myself in every aspect. I currently thrive in my career and use my knowledge and expertise founded at USI to help educate my patients and ultimately make them feel better. USI keeps up to date with the newest information and has a multitude of resources available to every single student, along with exceptional professors. If you put in the time and effort during your undergraduate career, the rest of your schooling and career will be much easier, as USI really does prepare their students for the future.
Were you in any clubs, organizations, athletics?
I ran Cross Country and Track & Field on scholarship all four years at USI, and I was a member of the Food and Student Nutrition Organization all four years as well.
What has been your favorite memory of your time at USI?
There were many wonderful memories created at USI. However, one of my favorite memories was the morning after dietetic internship match day, as we were all so happy and relieved knowing that we had made it to the next step in our careers. All of our professors had popped in and congratulated us, as they knew the huge undertaking that finding a dietetic internship is for students. Personally, getting matched felt like graduation. Despite knowing more challenges were ahead, it was nice being able to take the time to celebrate our accomplishments as a group.
What would you tell someone who is thinking of coming to USI?
If you are looking for a school that allows you to grow with professors that want to see you succeed, not only in your current classes but in your professional life, then USI is the right school for you. All my classes at USI were taught by actual professors who were more than happy to help assist their students during or after class hours. I never once felt I was behind, as my professors were always looking at the big picture and making sure we were prepared and staying up to date with the most current information.