The USI GWEP will establish a nursing home consortium, AIM (Advance, Improve, Move), designed to support nursing home leaders with education and innovative opportunities to grow age- and dementia- friendly care.
Quarterly Meetings
Quarterly meetings featuring national and regional experts will be hosted on Zoom.
- February 26, 2025, 1-2 p.m. CT
- May 28, 2025, 1-2 p.m. CT
- August 27, 2025, 1-2 p.m. CT
- October 29, 2025, 1-2 p.m. CT
Information on continued education coming soon.
Opt-In Initiatives
Through AIM, nursing home leaders will have the opportunity to opt-in to one or more initiatives.
- BSN clinical site location (inclusion criteria forthcoming)
- OT and OTA clinical site location (inclusion criteria forthcoming)
- Hosting evidence-based programs (i.e. Matter of Balance, Circle of Friends®, Dementia Friendly Communities, Alzheimer’s Association Project ECHO, Teepa Snow's PAC Trainer Certification)
- Hosting an AI program
- Age- and dementia- friendly staff training
Coming later!
- IHI age-friendly recognition
- CNA Pre-apprenticeship and apprenticeship programs
Some opt-in initiatives will have participation limitations based on funding and capacity.
Nursing homes participating in the AIM consortium will have the option to become a clinical site location for the USI Nursing, Occupational Therapy, and/or Occupational Therapy Assistant programs.
Some opt-in initiatives will have participation limitations based on funding and capacity.
Nursing homes participating in the AIM consortium will have the option to host and/or participate in the following evidence-based programs:
- Matter of Balance
- Circle of Friends®
- Dementia Friendly Communities
- Alzheimer’s Association Project ECHO
- Teepa Snow Trainer Certification
- And more!
Some opt-in initiatives will have participation limitations based on funding and capacity.
A member of the USI faculty will work with the AIM nursing home consortium to identify Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies that would increase efficiency and are realistic to adopt. The faculty will provide training to healthcare, supportive care and direct care workforces in at least one TTOUR site annually, to pilot technology and share adoption benefits and limitations with other consortium members.
Some opt-in initiatives will have participation limitations based on funding and capacity.
Access to the Alzheimer’s Association’s Alzheimer’s and Dementia Care ECHO Program for Professional Care Providers will be provided as well as an opportunity for staff to become certified as a Teepa Snow Positive Approach to Care® trainer. In addition, AIM will provide a forum for training and relationship building with Indiana AAA dementia specialists.
Some opt-in initiatives will have participation limitations based on funding and capacity.
AIM consortium members have the opportunity to receive IHI age-friendly recognition, and the USI GWEP will assist in this process. The USI GWEP anticipates that two nursing homes will join us in piloting the IHI recognition process with nursing homes and share what was learned with their peers. In all, we have planned for two nursing home partners to apply for Level 1 or Level 2 Age-Friendly Health System status each year, for a total of 10.
Some opt-in initiatives will have participation limitations based on funding and capacity.
Coming soon!
Some opt-in initiatives will have participation limitations based on funding and capacity.