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USI Dental Clinic Location

The USI Dental Clinic is located in the Health Professions Center on the University of Southern Indiana campus.

Please call 812-464-1706 for assistance in finding the Dental Clinic.


Map to Dental Clinic


  • Take Indiana 62 (Lloyd Expressway) to University Parkway Exit. Turn south at the top of the exit towards the USI Campus.
  • Upon entering the USI Campus, take the first exit from the roundabout (towards the right, onto Clarke Lane). The Dental Clinic is located in the Health Professions Center, which is the building on your left as you are turning onto Clarke Lane (The star on the map indicates the building you are searching for).
  • Park in Lot G behind the Health Professions Center.
  • Enter the building through the double doors closest to the roundabout. Please enter into the reception area through the doors labeled "USI Dental Clinic Entrance."