GWEP 2.0 - AIM Consortium
The USI GWEP will establish a nursing home consortium, AIM (Advance, Improve, Move), to accomplish similar objectives with nursing home TTOUR sites. Regular meetings will offer education on the IHI age-friendly framework and Moving Forward’s action plan and activities for advancing the direct care workforce and delivering care meeting resident goals. In addition, meetings will provide information about AIM initiatives (i.e., education on goals, participation information, and evaluation data).
Through AIM, nursing home leaders will have the opportunity to opt-in to one or more initiatives:
1) age- and dementia- friendly staff training,
2) IHI age-friendly recognition,
3) pre-apprenticeship program participation,
4) CNA apprenticeship program participation,
5) a BSN clinical site location,
6) a OT and OTA clinical site location,
7) hosting evidence-based programs (i.e. Matter of Balance, Circle of Friends®, Dementia Friendly Communities, Alzheimer’s Association Project ECHO, Teepa Snow Trainer Certification), and
8) 12-week AI program participation
The USI GWEP anticipates that two nursing homes will join us in piloting the IHI recognition process with nursing homes and shared what was learned with their peers. In all, we have planned for two nursing home partners to apply for Level 1 or Level 2 Age-Friendly Health System status each year, for a total of 10.