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Student and Program Outcomes


  • Attain an interdisciplinary approach to the study of aging allowing students to make informed decisions about aging issues in health care and human services fields.
  • Attain an interdisciplinary approach to the study of aging allowing students to transmit and apply gerontological knowledge in healthcare.

Health Promotion and Worksite Wellness

  • Obtain health-related data about social and cultural environments, growth and development factors, needs and interests.
  • Distinguish between behaviors that foster and those that hinder well-being.
  • Infer needs for health education on the basis of obtained data.
  • Recruit community organizations, resource people and potential participants for support and assistance in program planning.
  • Develop a logical scope and sequence plan for a health education program.
  • Design educational programs consistent with specified program objectives.

Public Health

  • Demonstrate knowledge and use of biostatistics in the discipline of public health.
  • Describe the direct and indirect human, ecological and safety effects of major environmental and occupational agents.
  • Explain the importance of epidemiology for informing scientific, ethical, economic and political discussion of health issues.
  • Identify the main components and issues of the organization, financing and delivery of health services and public health systems in the United States.
  • Identify the basic theories, concepts and models from a range of social and behavioral disciplines that are used in public health research and practice.
  • Differentiate among availability, acceptability, and accessibility of health care across diverse population.