Spotlights are great adding content to a page to organize testimonials, programs or videos in a consistent and orderly way.
There are several color styling options available. The Spotlights are flexible with how they're used too, with options to:
- not link to anything
- link to a pop-up box with more content
- link to a video
- link to an external website
- link to a PDF document.
Below are examples of how the Spotlight widget can build from simple to advanced.

Title is your heading
You can put a short description here (optional)
This is a basic Spotlight. I picked an image, added some optional description text. No links.

Title is your heading 2
You can put a short description here (optional)
Building on to the basic spotlight, I've now added a button.

Title is your heading 3
You can put a short description here (optional)
To continue building this even more, let's pretend I want this to link to another webpage or PDF, we can add that link, and the button will take you there!

Now we're trying Video
You can put a short description here (optional)
Alright now we're getting more advanced here. Let's do video.

Title is your heading 5
You can put a short description here (optional)
Linking to an external website