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Upcoming Learning Sessions

Blackboard Ultra: Diving Into Document Creation

Wednesday, March 5th from 2pm - 3pm, Zoom Meeting ID: 957 9118 9769

Open Office Hours

This is a set time each week where faculty can drop in to get assistance with their Ultra classes. One or more Ultra experts will be available to answer any questions you might have. Each week, there will be a face-to-face session and a virtual session.

  • Tuesdays at 2:00pm (F2F): Rice Library Lab A
  • Fridays at 10:00am (Zoom): Meeting ID: 986 3696 4585 – there will be no session on 2/21 due to Anthology Day: An Ultra Extravaganza

Resources for Students

Blackboard Ultra Knowledge Base

Internal help and documentation for instructors and students using Ultra course view in Blackboard. Covers getting started, adding content to courses, and navigating the platform. 

Anthology Help Center

The starting point for everything Learn Ultra for you, as a student. Find how to start as a new user, common questions, and a guide for troubleshooting. You can also choose to explore and learn about accessibility on Learn, assignments, course content, grading, tests, pools and surveys, and how to better interact with instructors and your track performance, among other interesting topics.

YouTube Playlist for Blackboard Ultra

A collection of video resources for students produced by both Anthology and the CTLE for Blackboard Ultra. Contains short videos covering navigation and interaction.

On-Site Help and Troubleshooting

Our helpdesk technicians are here to assist you with anything that you can't get figured out. Navigating, account issues, and general questions are all welcome. Just submit a ticket or stop by the lower level of the Wright Admin Building (just across from the Orr Center, near the Forums and Red Mango).

Resources for Instructors

While the project is still in the initial phases, being primarily led by self-taught super users, we seek to provide transparency and welcome communication from the campus community. All instructors have been provided with a blank Ultra course shell to play around in, and any questions beyond what the resources below provide can be directed to Shannon Hoehn, Project Manager or Juzar Ahmed, Product Owner

Blackboard Ultra Knowledge Base

Internal help and documentation for instructors and students using Ultra course view in Blackboard. Covers getting started, adding content to courses, and navigating the platform. 

Anthology Help Center

The starting point for everything Learn Ultra for you, as an instructor. Find how to start as a new user, common questions, and a guide for troubleshooting. You can also choose to explore and learn about accessibility on Learn, assignments, course content, grading, tests, pools and surveys, and how to better interact with students or how to set up a course and track performance, among other interesting topics.

Anthology Idea Exchange

The Anthology Idea Exchange allows you to share, like, vote, and comment on your favorite ideas, proposed and submitted by Anthology clients. Drive change in the EdTech community by sharing your ideas today. You will need to sign up for an account to share your ideas and you can sign up to receive status updates for any of the product suggestions available.

Instructor Webinar Series: Teaching in Blackboard Learn Ultra

This webinar series is designed for Instructors who are new to Blackboard Learn Ultra. Includes links to videos on topics including assessments, gradebook, student engagement, and more. 

Anthology Day Recordings

Recorded Sessions from 2/21. Organizational Account Required

Ultra 101: Hierarchy & Basic Course Design

Refining Your Course - Lessons Learned

AI Assistant Demo

A Deep Dive into Exams and the Gradebook

YouTube Playlist for Blackboard Ultra

A collection of video resources for instructors produced by both Anthology and the CTLE for Blackboard Ultra. Contains short videos covering content creation and navigation.

Proctoring Solutions Zoom Recording

Instructions and troubleshooting for setting up proctoring in Blackboard Ultra

On-Demand Webinars and Info Sessions

Looking for inspiration and guidance on your Blackboard® Learn Ultra journey? Discover best practices and uncover meaningful insights from upcoming and on-demand webinars. Includes topics on navigation, course planning, and more. 

Project Information

In the spring of 2024, as part of our mission to improve student success, USI began the process of transitioning our LMS to Blackboard Learn Ultra. As part of the project process and in accordance with our desire for transparency, this page will serve as a timeline for the transition and a resource for members of the project team and faculty.

Why move to Blackboard Learn Ultra?

Supports teaching workflows, making it easier for instructors to teach and improve student outcomes
Simplified navigation
Data-driven learning analytics
Intuitive mobile-friendly experience.
Created in collaboration with real-life instructors and students

Proposed Timeline – Development to Full Adoption


Three Groups
  • IT Led (Scheduled & Drop-in Sessions, Website)
  • Online (OCDP, Online Training)
  • Super Users (Self-Taught)


  • Same development opportunities as Fall 2024
  • Fall 2024 and SPRING 2025 developed courses taught in Spring & Summer


  • All course shells for Fall 2025 provisioned in the Ultra Course Experience
  • All faculty teaching on Ultra course experience

Active Project Timeline

Project team, lead by Shannon Hoehn, presented initial proposal and solicited feedback from Faculty Senate.

A common concern raised about making the transition to Blackboard Learn Ultra is why not start the process of moving to another learning management system (LMS), such as Canvas or D2L.

  • USI has significant history and experience with Blackboard Learn as its enterprise LMS, transitioning to Blackboard Learn Ultra offers a smoother, more organic migration path, allowing users to leverage their existing knowledge while benefiting from advanced features
  • This will also allow USI to maximize its return on investment by leveraging the current infrastructure and familiarity with Blackboard
  • The comprehensive features of Blackboard Learn Ultra may create cost-benefits over time as we may be able to decrease the additional tools or software needed
  • We still have three years left on our existing contract, so moving to a new LMS would be premature at this time.
  • The continuity Blackboard Learn offers enables uninterrupted teaching and learning, as students only access one system, even if they see two different course experiences.

Ultra Transition Core Project Team

Shannon Hoehn, IT Project Manager
Juzar Ahmed, Director of Endpoint & Academic Technology
Walter Fisher, Senior Applications Administrator (LMS Lead Admin)
Laurie Wilson, Senior Applications Administrator (LMS Admin)
Kyle Tharp, IT Business Manager (Business Analyst, Website Lead)
Dr. Brian Crose, Director of Online Learning
Robert Dickes, Assistant Professor of Photography and Digital Imaging
Spence Farmer, Online Learning