Taylor Swift and The Power of Storytelling
Kristie Frederick Daugherty is a poet and editor. She holds an MFA in Poetry from Vermont College of Fine Arts, and she is also a PhD candidate in Literature/Criticism at the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She is the editor of Invisible Strings: 113 Poets Respond to the Songs of Taylor Swift which was published in December 2024 from Random House. She has poems and interviews in Ponder Review, North American Review, American Poetry Review. and many other literary journals. She is a contributing editor at The Blue Mountain Review. She has a chapbook of poetry forthcoming in late 2025 with poet Stephanie Burt, and she has a collection of poems, Ordinary Pietá, forthcoming in 2026.
Find her on Facebook and Instagram at kristie.daugherty.1 and on her website www.kristiefrederickdaugherty.com
Photo credit: Noelle K. Photography