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Course Core Category
ADV 347: Advertising Copywriting Embedded: Writing Intensive
AFRC 111: Introduction to Africana Studies BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Global
ANTH 111: Intro to Cultural Anthropology BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Diversity
ANTH 121: Intro to Archaeology BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
ANTH 131: Intro to Physical Anthropology BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
ANTH 211: Intro to Forensic Anthropology BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
ANTH 235: American Life Embedded: Writing Intensive
ART 104: Design in Materials Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
ART 201: Intro to Visual Arts Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
ART 493: Senior Seminar Embedded: Writing Intensive
ARTD 494: Senior Design Seminar Embedded: Writing Intensive
ARTH 221: Art History I Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
ARTH 222: Art History II Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Diversity
ARTH 335: Asian Art Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
ARTH 343: Renaissance Art Embedded: Writing Intensive
ARTP 221: Introduction to Digital Photo Imaging Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
CHIN 101: Beginning Chinese I BA/BS: World Languages.,BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
CMST 101: Introduction to Public Speaking Foundation Skills: Communication
CMST 107: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication Foundation Skills: Communication
CMST 201: Introduction to Communication Studies Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Writing Intensive
CMST 301: Communication Criticism and Analysis Embedded: Writing Intensive
CMST 308: Rhetoric and Diversity Embedded: Diversity
CMST 317: Intercultural Communication Embedded: Diversity
COMM 192: Intro to Mass Communication Embedded: Global
COMM 486: Diversity in Mass Media Embedded: Diversity
COMM 494: Mass Communication Law and Ethics Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning
CRIM 101: Introduction to Criminal Justice BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
CRIM 475: Criminal Justice Studies Capstone Embedded: Writing Intensive
ENG 101: Rhetoric and Composition I: Literacy and the Self Foundation Skills: Composition
ENG 105: Intro to Literature Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
ENG 185: Introduction to Film Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Diversity
ENG 201: Rhetoric and Composition II: Literacy and the World Foundation Skills: Composition
ENG 317: Technical Writing Embedded: Writing Intensive
ENG 222: Concepts of Good and Evil in Literature Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Diversity
ENG 224: Social Change in America Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning
ENG 226: Introduction to Folklore Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
ENG 227: Literature and Popular Culture Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Writing Intensive
ENG 286: Classical Mythology Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
ENG 301: Advanced Composition Embedded: Writing Intensive
ENG 302: Creative Writing Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
ENG 319: Fundamentals of Grant Writing Embedded: Writing Intensive
ENG 330: Ethnic Literature in America Embedded: Diversity
ENG 331: African American Literature Embedded: Diversity
ENG 344: Adolescent & Young Adult Literature Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Writing Intensive
ENG 361: Playwriting Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
ENG 371: Non-Western World Literature Embedded: Global
ENG 372: Western World Literature Embedded: Global
ENG 386: World Mythology Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
FREN 101: Beginning French I BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
FREN 102: Beginning French II BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
FREN 203: Intermediate French I BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
FREN 204: Intermediate French II BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
FREN 275: The French Film Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
FREN 308: Francophone Cultures Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
GERM 101: Beginning German I BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
GERM 102: Beginning German II BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
GERM 203: Intermediate German I BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
GERM 204: Intermediate German II BA/BS: World Languages, BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
GERM 275: The German Film Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Global
GERM 308: Germanic Cultures Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
GLST 101: Intro to International Studies Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Global
GLST 201: Culture Shock Embedded: Global
GLST 302: Travel Writing Embedded: Writing Intensive
GLST 371: Non-Western World Literature Embedded: Global
GLST 372: Western World Literature Embedded: Global
GLST 497: International Studies Capstone Embedded: Writing Intensive
GNDR 111: Intro to Gender Studies Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
GNDR 112: Introduction to Queer Studies Embedded: Diversity
GNDR 222: The Body in Art and Culture Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Writing Intensive
HIST 101: U.S. to 1865 Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
HIST 102: U.S. Since 1865 Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
HIST 108: What is History Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
HIST 111: World Civilizations I Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Global
HIST 112: World Civilizations II Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Global
HIST 222: Roots of Communalism BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
HIST 246: U.S. History in a Global Context Embedded: Diversity
HIST 266: Global History Embedded: Global
HIST 298: Historical Methods Embedded: Writing Intensive
HIST 456: Race, Power, and Violence Embedded: Diversity
HIST 464: The Social History of Murder Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
HIST 465: The Social History of Ghosts Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
HIST 499: Senior Seminar in History Embedded: Writing Intensive
HUM 203: Introduction to Humanities BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
HUM 303: Business Humanities BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Writing Intensive
HUM 304: Medical Humanities BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Writing Intensive
HUM 350: History of Philosophy I Embedded: Writing Intensive
HUM 351: History of Philosophy II Embedded: Writing Intensive
JPN 101: Beginning Japanese I BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
JPN 102: Beginning Japanese II BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
JPN 203: Intermediate Japanese I BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
JPN 204: Intermediate Japanese II BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
JPN 306: Advanced Japanese I Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Diversity
JRN 281: News Reporting and Writing Embedded: Writing Intensive
JRN 381: Advanced Reporting Embedded: Writing Intensive
LATN 101: Beginning Latin I BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
LATN 102: Beginning Latin II BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
LATN 203: Intermediate Latin I BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
LATN 204: Intermediate Latin II BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
MUS 202: Intro to Music Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
PHIL 101: Introduction to Philosophy Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
PHIL 201: Intro to Ethics Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Diversity
PHIL 251: Intro to the Study of Religions Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
PHIL 350: History of Philosophy I Embedded: Writing Intensive
PHIL 351: History of Philosophy II Embedded: Writing Intensive
PHIL 364 - Gender and Philosophy Embedded: Diversity
PHIL 366: Environmental Ethics Embedded: Global
PHIL 376: Philosophies and Religions of Asia Embedded: Global
PHIL 377: Introduction to Cognitive Science BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
POLS 102: Intro to American Politics BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
POLS 121: Current Issues in Politics BS: Social Science, Embedded: Diversity
POLS 208 - Law, Courts, and Justice Embedded: Diversity
POLS 232: Research Design and Data Collection Embedded: Writing Intensive
POLS 271: International Politics BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Global
POLS 281: Comparative Politics BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Global
POLS 309: American Political Theory Embedded: Writing Intensive
POLS 316 - Religion and Politics BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
POLS 371: The United Nations Embedded: Global
POLS 384: The Middle East Embedded: Global
POLS 385: Western European Politics Embedded: Global
POLS 427 - Urban Politics and Governance BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
POLS 445: Ancient Political Theory Embedded: Writing Intensive
POLS 446: Modern Political Theory Embedded: Writing Intensive
POLS 464 - Environmental Politics and Policy Embedded: Writing Intensive
POLS 471: International Organizations Embedded: Global
POLS 473 - International Law BS: Social Science, Embedded: Global
POLS 487: The Politics of Russia and China Embedded: Global
PRFS 301: The Ethics of Global Engagement Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
PRFS 401: Teams, Diversity, & Leadership Embedded: Diversity
PRFS 498: Personal & Professional Development Embedded: Writing Intensive
PRL 362: Writing for Public Relations Embedded: Writing Intensive
PSY 201: Introduction to Psychology BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
PSY 304: Scientific Literacy Embedded: Writing Intensive
RTV 354: Writing for Electronic Media Embedded: Writing Intensive
SOC 121: Principles of Sociology BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
SOC 231: Social Problems BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
SOC 261: Marriage and Family BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
SOC 463: Wealth and Poverty Embedded: Writing Intensive
SOCW 341: Social Welfare Policy-Prog & Svc Delivery Analysis Embedded: Writing Intensive
SOCW 490: Social Work in Jamaica Embedded: Global
SPAN 101: Beginning Spanish I BA/BS: World Languages, BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
SPAN 102: Beginning Spanish II BA/BS: World Languages, BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
SPAN 203: Intermediate Spanish I BA/BS: World Languages, BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
SPAN 204: Intermediate Spanish II BA/BS: World Languages, BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
SPAN 275: The Hispanic Film Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
SPAN 308: Hispanic Cultures Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
THTR 101: Intro to Theatre Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
THTR 251: Fundamentals of Acting Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Diversity
THTR 256: Fundamentals of Character Development Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Diversity
THTR 361: Playwriting Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
THTR 371: History of Theatre I Embedded: Writing Intensive
THTR 372: History of Theatre II Embedded: Writing Intensive
WLC 155: Cultural Awareness BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
DMS 333: Critique, Clinical Correlation, & Case Analysis Embedded: Writing Intensive
DTHY 351: Dental Hygiene Theory II Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
DTHY 457: Professional and Current Issues in Oral Healthcare Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
GERO 215: Introduction to Global Aging and Health Care Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
GERO 317: Health Care Continuum and Community Services Embedded: Writing Intensive
HP 211: The Healthcare Delivery System and Healthcare Policy BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
HP 236: Eastern Medicine & Alt./Complimentary Healthcare Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
HP 302: Biostatistics Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
IPH 356: Ethics and Healthcare in a Pluralistic Society Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Diversity
HP 498: Current Concepts in Health Professions Embedded: Writing Intensive
IPH 401: Interprofessional Perspectives on Global Health Embedded: Global
NURS 246: Intro to Professional Nursing Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
NURS 327: Transition to Advanced Nursing Practice Embedded: Writing Intensive
NURS 333: Nursing Informatics Embedded: Writing Intensive
NURS 353: Nursing Research and Evidence Based Practice Embedded: Writing Intensive
NURS 367: Application of Evidence Based Practice Embedded: Writing Intensive
NURS 492: Clinical Synthesis Embedded: Writing Intensive
NUTR 397: Nutrition in Health Promotion & Disease Prevention Embedded: Writing Intensive
NUTR 496: Leadership/Professional Issues in Food & Nutrition Embedded: Writing Intensive
RADT 424: Radiologic & Imaging Science Practice & Management Embedded: Writing Intensive
RADT 491: Professional Dev't & Literacy in Imaging Sciences Embedded: Writing Intensive
REST 452: Intro to Research & Evidence Based Practice Embedded: Writing Intensive
REST 456: Professional Issues in Respiratory Therapy Embedded: Writing Intensive
ASTR 201: General Astronomy (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BIOL 105: Biology of Human Concern (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BIOL 108: Biology for Educators (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BIOL 111: Ethnobotany BS: Natural Science., Embedded: Global
BIOL 112: Ethnobotany with Lab (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Embedded: Global
BIOL 113: Botany for Gardners BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BIOL 121: Anatomy & Physiology I (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BIOL 122: Anatomy & Physiology II (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BIOL 133: Biological Concepts (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
BIOL 141: Principles of Biology (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BIOL 251: Environmental Conservation BS: Natural Science., Embedded: Global
BIOL 362: Economic Botany (L) Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
BIOL 378: Virology Embedded: Writing Intensive
BIOL 432: Cancer Biology Embedded: Writing Intensive
BIOL 444: Herpetology Embedded: Writing Intensive
CHEM 103: Molecules, Matter, & Me BS: Natural Science.
CHEM 107: Elements Everyday Chemistry (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
CHEM 108: Chemistry for Educators (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
CHEM 141: Principles of Chemistry (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
CHEM 142: Survey of General Chemistry BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
CHEM 143: Survey of Organic and Biochemistry BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
CHEM 218: Chemistry Seminar I Embedded: Writing Intensive
CHEM 261: General Chemistry I (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
CHEM 262: General Chemistry II (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
CHEM 318: Chemistry Seminar II Embedded: Writing Intensive
CHEM 418: Chemistry Seminar III Embedded: Writing Intensive
EDUC 221: Diversity & Equity in Education Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
EDUC 381: Literacy, Language, and Culture Embedded: Global
EDUC 458: Seminar in Professional Education Embedded: Writing Intensive
ENGR 291: Experimental Design and Technical Writing Embedded: Writing Intensive
ENGR 305: Engineering Statistics Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
ENGR 491: Senior Design Embedded: Writing Intensive
GEOG 112: Earth System Science BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
GEOG 123: Physical Geography & Landscape Analysis of U.S. BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
GEOG 330: World Geography BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
GEOL 108: Earth-Space Science for Educators (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
GEOL 121: Geology of Gemstones BS: Natural Science.
GEOL 131: Geology, the Environment, and Society Embedded: Global
GEOL 132: Volcanoes and Eruptions BS: Natural Science.
GEOL 151: Geology of America's National Parks (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
GEOL 161: Introduction to Geology (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
GEOL 481: Advanced Environmental Geology Embedded: Writing Intensive
KIN 192: Concepts in Wellness and Fitness Foundation Skills: Physical Activity and Wellness
KIN 201: Sport, Exercise & Culture in Film Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
KIN 281: Personal Health Science Foundation Skills: Physical Activity and Wellness
KIN 492: Contemporary Issues in Sport Embedded: Global
MATH 107: Fundamentals of Math for Nursing Foundation Skills: Mathematics
MATH 111: College Algebra Foundation Skills: Mathematics
MATH 114: Quantitative Reasoning Foundation Skills: Mathematics
MATH 115: Pre-Calculus Mathematics Foundation Skills: Mathematics
MATH 203: Math for Elementary Teachers II Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
MATH 215: Survey of Calculus Foundation Skills: Mathematics
MATH 230: Calculus I Foundation Skills: Mathematics
MATH 253: Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
MATH 411: Theory of Numbers Embedded: Writing Intensive
MFET 491: Senior Project Embedded: Writing Intensive
PET 402: Controversial Issues in Health Education Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Writing Intensive
PHYS 101: Intro to Physical Sciences BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
PHYS 108: Physics for Educators (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
PHYS 175: General Physics I (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
PHYS 176: General Physics II (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
PHYS 205: Intermediate Physics I (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab
PHYS 361: Modern Physics BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
PHYS 365: Experimental Physics Laboratory Embedded: Writing Intensive
PHYS 371: Analytical Mechanics BS: Natural Science, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
PHYS 491: Physics Senior Thesis Embedded: Writing Intensive
SPTM 223: Principles of Recreation Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Writing Intensive
SPTM 336: Governance & Ethics in Sport Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning
SPTM 453: Diversity in Sport BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
SPTM 492: Contemporary Issues in Sport Embedded: Global
STAT 241: Principles of Statistics Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
STAT 265: Applied Regression Analysis Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
STAT 495: Capstone Project in Statistics Embedded: Writing Intensive
TECH 471: Senior Project Embedded: Writing Intensive
BCOM 231: Business Communications Embedded: Writing Intensive
BCOM 331: Corporate & Managerial Communication Embedded: Writing Intensive
ECON 175: Fundamentals of Economics BS: Social Science
ECON 208: Principles of Microeconomics BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
ECON 209: Fundaments of Macroeconomics BS: Social Science
ECON 241: Global Economic Issues Embedded: Global
ECON 306: Power, Evil, and Religion BS: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
MNGT 452: Policy Formulation & Implementation Embedded: Writing Intensive
USI 101: Soar to Success Foundation Skills: First Year Experience

Updated: May 20, 2024