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Foundation Skills

All first-time, degree seeking students must enroll in a course satisfying the First Year Experience requirement during their first semester at USI. This applies to both full-time and part-time students. This does not include dual credit or AP credit.

USI 101 - Soar to Success

Students must successfully complete one of the courses listed below

Students must successfully complete one of the courses listed below

Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science

Natural Science with Lab (4 hours)

World Languages and Cultures (9 hours)

Click here for a list of approved courses

  • No more than 9 hours of courses with the same prefix can satisfy the BA requirements.
  • Students earning a BA must successfully complete a four- course sequence in the same language through Language 204 or higher.
  • Natural Science must be a lab course. If Natural Science 108 is selected, then two Natural Science 108 courses must be taken to satisfy the lab requirement.
  • Students earning a bachelor’s degree which is not designated as a BA or BS must choose either the BA or BS track for the purposes of Core 39 requirements.
  • With the exception of world languages courses (ARAB, CHIN, FREN, GERM, JPN, LATN, SPAN), courses used to satisfy the Ways of Knowing requirements must have a different prefix than any course used to satisfy the BA/BS Skills requirements.

For the following similar courses, students can receive Core 39 credit for only one of the two courses:

CHEM 103 or CHEM 107 • GEOL 151 or GEOL 161

Natural Science including 1 Lab (7 hours)

Social Science (3 hours)

World Languages and Culture (3 hours)

Click here for a list of approved courses

  • No more than 9 hours of courses with the same prefix can satisfy the BA/BS core requirements.
  • If Natural Science 108 is selected, then two Natural Science 108 courses must be taken to satisfy the lab requirement.
  • With the exception of world languages courses (ARAB, CHIN, FREN, GERM, JPN, LATN, SPAN), courses used to satisfy the Ways of Knowing requirements must have a different prefix than any course used to satisfy the BA/BS Skills requirements.

For the following similar courses, students can receive Core 39 credit for only one of the two courses:

CHEM 103 or CHEM 107 • GEOL 151 or GEOL 161

Ways of Knowing

  • Select one course from four out of the six categories. No two courses may have the same prefix.
  • With the exception of world languages courses (ARAB, CHIN, FREN, GERM, JPN, LATN, SPAN), courses used to satisfy the Ways of Knowing requirements must have a different prefix than any course used to satisfy the BA/BS Skills requirements.
ART 104: Design in Materials Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
ART 201: Intro to Visual Arts Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
ARTH 222: Art History II Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Diversity
ARTP 221: Introduction to Digital Photo Imaging Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
ENG 105: Intro to Literature Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
ENG 185: Introduction to Film Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Diversity
ENG 227: Literature and Popular Culture Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Writing Intensive
ENG 302: Creative Writing Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
ENG 344: Adolescent & Young Adult Literature Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Writing Intensive
ENG 361: Playwriting Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
FREN 275: The French Film Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
GERM 275: The German Film Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Global
MUS 202: Intro to Music Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
SPAN 275: The Hispanic Film Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
THTR 101: Intro to Theatre Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
THTR 251: Fundamentals of Acting Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Diversity
THTR 256: Fundamentals of Character Development Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression, Embedded: Diversity
THTR 361: Playwriting Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
KIN 201: Sport, Exercise & Culture in Film Ways of Knowing: Creative and Aesthetic Expression
AFRC 111: Introduction to Africana Studies BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Global
ANTH 121: Intro to Archaeology BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
ARTH 221: Art History I Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
HIST 101: U.S. to 1865 Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
HIST 102: U.S. Since 1865 Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
HIST 108: What is History Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry
HIST 111: World Civilizations I Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Global
HIST 112: World Civilizations II Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Global
PHIL 101: Introduction to Philosophy Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
SPTM 223: Principles of Recreation Ways of Knowing: Historical Inquiry, Embedded: Writing Intensive
COMM 494: Mass Communication Law and Ethics Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning
ENG 222: Concepts of Good and Evil in Literature Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Diversity
ENG 224: Social Change in America Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning
PHIL 201: Intro to Ethics Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Diversity
PRFS 301: The Ethics of Global Engagement Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Global, Embedded: Writing Intensive
IPH 356: Ethics and Healthcare in a Pluralistic Society Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Diversity
PET 402: Controversial Issues in Health Education Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning, Embedded: Writing Intensive
SPTM 336: Governance & Ethics in Sport Ways of Knowing: Moral and Ethical Reasoning
ANTH 131: Intro to Physical Anthropology BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
ANTH 211: Intro to Forensic Anthropology BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
HP 302: Biostatistics Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
ASTR 201: General Astronomy (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BIOL 108: Biology for Educators (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
BIOL 141: Principles of Biology (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
CHEM 108: Chemistry for Educators (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
CHEM 141: Principles of Chemistry (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
CHEM 143: Survey of Organic and Biochemistry BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
CHEM 262: General Chemistry II (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
ENGR 305: Engineering Statistics Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
GEOG 112: Earth System Science BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
GEOG 123: Physical Geography & Landscape Analysis of U.S. BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
GEOL 108: Earth-Space Science for Educators (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
IME 331: Introduction to Statistical Quality Control Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
MATH 203: Math for Elementary Teachers II Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
MATH 253: Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
PHYS 101: Intro to Physical Sciences BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
PHYS 108: Physics for Educators (L) BA/BS: Natural Science with Lab, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
PHYS 361: Modern Physics BS: Natural Science., Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
PHYS 371: Analytical Mechanics BS: Natural Science, Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
STAT 241: Principles of Statistics Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
STAT 265: Applied Regression Analysis Ways of Knowing: Scientific and Mathematical Inquiry
CMST 201: Introduction to Communication Studies Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Writing Intensive
CRIM 101: Introduction to Criminal Justice BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
GLST 101: Intro to International Studies Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Global
GNDR 111: Intro to Gender Studies Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
HIST 222: Roots of Communalism BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
PHIL 377: Introduction to Cognitive Science BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
POLS 102: Intro to American Politics BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
POLS 271: International Politics BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Global
POLS 281: Comparative Politics BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Global
POLS 316 - Religion and Politics BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
POLS 427 - Urban Politics and Governance BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Writing Intensive
PSY 201: Introduction to Psychology BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
SOC 121: Principles of Sociology BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
SOC 231: Social Problems BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
SOC 261: Marriage and Family BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
HP 211: The Healthcare Delivery System and Healthcare Policy BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
EDUC 221: Diversity & Equity in Education Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity, Embedded: Writing Intensive
SPTM 453: Diversity in Sport BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry, Embedded: Diversity
ECON 208: Principles of Microeconomics BS: Social Science, Ways of Knowing: Social Inquiry
ANTH 111: Intro to Cultural Anthropology BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Diversity
ARAB 204: Intermediate Arabic II BA/BS: World Languages.,BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
CHIN 204: Intermediate Chinese II BA/BS: World Languages.,BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
ENG 286: Classical Mythology Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
ENG 386: World Mythology Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
FREN 204: Intermediate French II BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
FREN 308: Francophone Cultures Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
GERM 204: Intermediate German II BA/BS: World Languages, BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
GERM 308: Germanic Cultures Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
GNDR 222: The Body in Art and Culture Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Writing Intensive
HUM 203: Introduction to Humanities BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
HUM 303: Business Humanities BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Writing Intensive
HUM 304: Medical Humanities BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Writing Intensive
JPN 204: Intermediate Japanese II BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
JPN 306: Advanced Japanese I Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Diversity
LATN 204: Intermediate Latin II BA/BS: World Languages., BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
PHIL 251: Intro to the Study of Religions Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
SPAN 204: Intermediate Spanish II BA/BS: World Languages, BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
SPAN 308: Hispanic Cultures Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
GERO 215: Introduction to Global Aging and Health Care Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global
HP 236: Eastern Medicine & Alt./Complimentary Healthcare Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture
GEOG 330: World Geography BS: World Languages and Culture, Ways of Knowing: World Languages and Culture, Embedded: Global

Embedded Experience

  • Embedded experiences may be courses found in other areas of Core 39, a major-specific course or an elective course.
  • Foundation courses should be completed before the embedded experiences.
  • Students complete two writing intensive experiences.
    One has to be at 200+ level and one has to be at 300+ level.
  • ENG 201 is a pre-requisite for all embedded writing intensive courses.

Click here for a list of approved courses