IT Advisory - Cisco Voicemail changes
March 25, 2025
USI employees will have received a detailed email on Friday, March 21 from Austin Siders, Chief Information Officer, about upcoming changes to the Cisco Voicemail System.
The protocol used to deliver voicemail messages from the Cisco phone system to your work emails has been deprecated by Microsoft. Unfortunately, enabling this feature will cause the inbox spamming issue that was experienced on February 24, 2025.
USI IT understands how inconvenient this can be and is actively pursuing solutions, but options are limited given the age of the Cisco phone platform, which is one of the primary reasons the department is migrating to the Microsoft Teams phone platform.
In the meantime, and in case the issue with the Cisco system cannot be resolved, the IT department asks employees to manually check your voicemails using the following steps.
Steps for those on campus:
- Press the "Message" button on your Cisco phone
- Enter your PIN
- Press the # key.
Steps for those off-campus:
- Dial (812) 465-1234 and press *
- Enter your 4-digit phone extension followed by the # key
- Enter your PIN and press #
If you do not remember your voicemail PIN, please submit a ticket to IT to request a reset of your Cisco Voicemail PIN in the IT Service Portal.