The University of Southern Indiana (USI) is able to provide Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for the following trainings offered through Indiana SPARK Learning Lab. CEUs can be awarded for approved trainings only. CEUs are awarded at the rate of 0.1 CEU for each contact hour. A program of 90 contact minutes carries 0.15 CEUs. CEUs for trainings up to 60 minutes in length cost $15. CEUs for trainings 61 or more minutes in length cost $30.
*Be sure you have completed the first step by submitting your certificate of completion for each CEU request at Training completion MUST be verified by USI before completing the registration process, below.
Click here for a PDF containing detailed registration directions.
To get started, select the title of the training you completed, below.
On the next page, you will see four sections.
Select the course section with dates that correspond to when you completed your training.