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Welcome to USI Outreach and Engagement where our mission is outreach. We complement the University's traditional role by providing and facilitating quality educational, research and technical services for people, groups and organizations in Indiana and the Tri-State. These activities support and promote individual well-being, social and cultural enrichment, economic opportunity and regional development. 

USI Mission:
USI is an engaged learning community committed to exceptional education. We exist to provide an educated citizenry that can engage in a civil manner within a community with divergent ideas and cultural differences. We prepare our students to lead and make positive contributions to our state, their communities, and to be lifetime learners in a diverse and global society.

USI Community Engagement Definition and Purpose:

USI follows the Carnegie Foundation Elective Classification definition of Community Engagement as the collaboration between institutions of higher education and their larger communities (local, regional/state, national, global) for the mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and resources in a context of partnership and reciprocity. The purpose of community engagement is the partnership of college and university knowledge and resources with those of the public and private sectors to enrich scholarship, research, and creative activity; enhance curriculum, teaching, and learning; prepare educated, engaged citizens; strengthen democratic values and civic responsibility; address critical societal issues; and contribute to the public good.


Center for Applied Research
Mobilizing resources of the University to help regional businesses, organizations, and communities thrive.

Charter Schools Office
Coming soon!

College Achievement Program
USI college level courses for outstanding high school juniors and seniors.

Community Engagement

Corporate Partnerships and Customized Training
Forming strategic education partnerships leading to organizational success along with customizing professional development and training programs to meet your needs.

Lifelong Learning Noncredit Courses and Certifications
Bringing lifelong learning to people, businesses, organizations and communities.

Reserve Officers' Training Corps
Coaching, teaching, and mentoring students who qualify to be an Army Officer to become leaders of tomorrow.

Safety Training
The Tri-State Industrial Safety Council in partnership with USI Outreach and Engagement, offers the Basic Orientation Plus™ training program.

Service Learning
Providing and supporting opportunities to learn by making contributions to the community.

Southern Indiana Japanese School
Instructing children of Japanese citizens working in the region in Japanese language, culture and more.

USI @ Innovation Pointe
Facilitating and coaching innovation and entrepreneurship in a high-tech environment.

Veteran, Military and Family Resource Center
Connecting student veterans and families with University and community resources.