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Our 1st Annual CLA Summer Camp was a huge success! 

Twenty-one students from high schools in Indiana and Kentucky gathered for the College of Liberal Arts inaugural CLA Summer Academy Day Camp Monday, June 3 – Friday, June 7. The Academy included classes in creative writing, psychology, art and design, leadership development and much more that introduced high schoolers to the world of the liberal arts.

"My daughter, Addi, enrolled in CLA Summer Academy and absolutely loved it! She had the best time and not only that, but you just won a victory for me and for you, because now my child is interested in attending USI. While I've been working on that myself; I couldn't possibly have gotten her interest spiked the way that you did, and now she wants to audit a class on ceramics, if possible."

- Kristi Hape, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy. 

Check out what our campers did during the CLA Summer Academy!

Left to right: Adonia Dixon and Addi Hape

Interested in signing your high school age child up for the 2025 CLA Summer Academy?

Fill out the form below to get first access to registration in early 2025!

CLA Summer Academy 2025 interest form


Contact Julie Minnette, Senior Administrative Associate for the College of Liberal Arts, at