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The Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) serves to support the success of all faculty and staff contributing directly to the academic mission of USI.  CETL provides holistic faculty and educational development by supporting each individual's meaningful impact on student learning and success, teaching excellence, scholarly contributions, service to the USI community, and inclusive leadership. 

Overview of CETL programs and services.

News and Updates

Calendar of Events | CETL Weekly Newsletters

  • 9th Celebration of Teaching & Learning Symposium: Wednesday, February 19, 2025. The Call for Proposals is now available. You are invited to submit your presentation proposal by December 4 or 16.
  • Using Watermark Faculty Success to Prepare your FAR: Please visit the Watermark Resources webpage hosted by the Provost's Office
  • Syllabus Template: Please review the updates, which add Safety Procedures, class recordings and AI tools guidance and update weblinks and contact information (August 2024).
  • Faculty Planning Calendar: Important dates related to teaching, students, and faculty activities for 2024-2025 (Excel file in SharePoint)
  • Would you like to gather mid-semester feedback from your students? Request a FACT visit.
  • The slides from the "Our Classes as Places of Belonging" workshop and " Centering Belonging and Growth in Conversations of AI Use" discussion presented by Dr. Katie Boucher (University of Indianapolis) on March 13, 2024, are available in CETL's Resources folder.
  • The 8th Celebration of Teaching and Learning Symposium at USI welcomed ~85 participants from 8 institutions on Wednesday, February 14, 2024. You're invited to view the abstracts and presentation materials.
  • Open Class Visits: Colleagues have volunteered to open their classes so that you can observe their teaching for your self-reflection. View the schedule for February 13, 15, 19-23, 2024.

Upcoming Events

See the Calendar for the additional events.