Watermark Information
Using Watermark Faculty Success to Enter Activities
- Introduction to Watermark Faculty Success [Watermark Overview 2024-11.pdf]
- Watermark Activities Detailed Guide [Watermark Activities Guide 2024-12-01.pdf]
- Watermark Faculty Overview and User Guide
- Importing data to Activities:
- Import your CV Tutorial
- Import BibTeX Files (publications)
- Import from ORCID, Scopus, and Web of Science (publications)
Faculty Annual Report (FAR)
- Preparing and submitting your FAR using Watermark [FAR Guide 2024-12-12.pdf]
- Reviewing FARs in Watermark for chairs, directors, and deans [FAR Reviewer Guide Watermark 2025-01-24.pdf]
- Watermark and the FAR - Slides [Watermark FAR Overview 2025-01-08.pdf]
- Sample FAR compiled using activities entered into Watermark [Sample FAR.pdf]
Watermark Liaisons
- College of Liberal Arts: Kristalyn Shefveland, Sara Christensen Blair, Quentin Maynard
- Kinney College of Nursing and Health Professions: Jennifer Evans, Julie McCullough, Kim Hille
- Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education: Kim Delaney, Tori Colson
- Romain College of Business: Nick Rhew
- Rice Library: Jennifer Greene
Please contact the Watermark team at usi.watermark@usi.edu