The Student Veteran Association is a college wide organization at USI, where students who are current or former active-duty, reservists, retired, ROTC, spouses and/or dependents of all military branches of service can meet on a regular basis for the purpose of enhancing their college experience through an exchanging of ideas, engaging in military-related service projects at all USI campuses, building upon their past or present military experience to further their own educational pursuits and enrich the overall student population at USI.
Student Veterans Association was established in 2013 in order to assist veterans in their transition out of service. The SVA has extended their support throughout campus in order to establish a connection between veteran and civilian students. The mission of Student Veteran Association is to provide military veterans, active service members, dependents, as well as any other USI student or faculty members with the resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education to, through, and beyond graduation.
The USI Student Veterans Association (SVA) is a recognized chapter of the national Student Veterans of America. This is a student-run organization that provides camaraderie, support, and resources to help student veterans transition from military life to college life and succeed in their academic lives.
The SVA meets monthly to engage student veterans and allow them to share best practices in navigating GI benefits and plan and attend social events as an organization. Past events include canoe trip down the Current River, pickleball tournament, bowling, ceramics and participating and supporting the annual Hoops for Troops Military Appreciation Basketball Game(s).
Monthly meetings are held the first Thursday of each month in the Veteran's Lounge (ED 0114) from 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.
Veterans, current military, ROTC, dependents, and military supporters are welcome to join!

Student Veteran Association Monthly Newsletter
The monthly newsletter is a great communication tool for the veteran community, both off campus and on. The publication allows students to learn important information about changes in benefit programs, procedures, on-campus events and community veteran events

Student Veteran Statistics
• Only 15% of student Veterans are the traditional age of college students. Most student Veterans are ages 24–40. • 47% of student Veterans have children. • 47.3% of student Veterans are married. • 62% of student Veterans are first-generation college students. • Of Veterans who began using VA education benefits in 2017, 52% were enrolled in an undergraduate program, 24% in a two-year school, 9% in a graduate program, and 15% in a vocational, technical, or nondegree program. • 75% of student Veterans are attending school full time.

Student Veteran Association Social Media
The USI SVA shares information on many social media platforms: Facebook (see QRC above) Engage - USI (https://engage.usi.edu/organization/sva) GroupMe For more information, see the SVA in the Student Veteran Lounge in the Education Center, Room 0114.