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The Rice Library features a significant majority of the student and faculty artwork on campus. While not all are listed here, you can visit the library to see the changing installation of artworks.

Rice Library Sculptural Reliefs

John W. McNaughton, Professor Emeritus of Art and Kathryn M. Waters, Professor Emerita of Art

  • Objects from Science, Nursing and Health Professions
  • Tools of the Liberal Arts, Education, and Business Programs, and Academic Study in General
  • Symbols of the Creative Arts, Engineering and Physical Education

2005, Plaster casts mounted on wood, 25.75” x 28.25” x 2.5”

USI Foundation Commission, Gift of Dorothea Johnson Schlechte, Evansville, Indiana.

Located in the lobby, first floor.

Rice Library Sculptural Reliefs
Quilted memories

Quilted Memories

Lenny Dowhie, Professor Emeritus of Art
2016, whiteware clay,
9’4” x 6’ x 5”.

USI Foundation Commission

Located on the first floor.

Apoala with Cathedral

Michael K. Aakhus
2003, Oil on canvas, 72" x 48".

On loan from the Artist.

Located on the second floor.

Apoala with Cathedral
Bust of President Rice

Bust of University President Dr. David L. Rice (1967–1994)

Donald B. Ingle, Sr.
1989, bronze.

Gift of Edward E. and Virginia Fritz, Evansville, Indiana

Located on the fourth floor.


Eric G. Nelson
1977, mild steel welded construction, 9’ x 6’ x 5’

Gift of Eric G. Nelson, Evansville, Indiana

Located in stairwell

Eagle in Flight

Eagle in Flight

Herold Witherspoon
1970, wood construction, 38” x 62” x 8”

Gift of Mr. Charles E. Hirsch, Poseyville, Indiana, 2006

Located in stairwell.

Portrait of President David L. Rice

Edmund Brucker
1993, oil on canvas, 49” x 41”

Gift of C. Wayne and Betty J. Worthington, Evansville, Indiana, 1993

Located first floor.

David Rice painting
magic carpet ride

Take a Magic Carpet Ride

John W. McNaughton, Professor Emeritus of Art
2006, wood and paint, 13’ x 7.5’

USI Foundation Commission, 2006

Located first floor.

Untitled, 62-07

Stephen S. Pace
1962, oil on canvas, 12’3” x 8’6”

Gift of Stephanie Ressler-Hochstat and Michael H. Hochstat, New York City, New York, 2006

Located first floor.

Pace Painting

The Judy Laval Morton ’73 and Thomas R. Morton

Contemporary Quilt Display

Located first floor.

Ishtar Gate

Michael K. Aakhus, Professor Emeritus of Art
2005, oil on canvas, 72” x 48” x 1.5”

On loan from the Artist

Located second floor.

Ishtar Gate
Aakus painting

One Black Flower

Michael K. Aakhus, Professor Emeritus of Art
2003, oil on canvas, 72” x 48” x 1.5”
On loan from the Artist

Located second floor.

Portraits from the Wall of Memories. Las Desparecidas de Ciudad Juarez (The Disappeared Girls of Juarez),

Diane Kahlo
Early 21st century 7.75” x 7.75”, gold leaf and acrylic on wood panel,

Located second floor.

Aakus painting

They Stand at Ur

Michael K. Aakhus, Professor Emeritus of Art
2005, oil on canvas, 72” x 48” x 1.5”
On loan from the Artist

Located second floor.

Portrait of President David L. Rice

Fred W. Eilers
1973, oil on canvas, 40” x 30”

Located fourth floor.

Rice portrait
Hoops painting

Portrait of President H. Ray Hoops

Jan Royce
1997, oil on canvas, 40” x 30”

Located fourth floor.

Portrait of President Linda L. M. Bennett

Mark Dillman
2013, oil on canvas, 40” x 30”

Located fourth floor.

Rochon painting

Portrait of President Ronald S. Rochon

Jacqueline Jasper
2022, oil on canvas, 40” x 30”

Located fourth floor.

Model of Centennial School

1876, wood and mixed materials, 46” x 40” x 45”

Located fourth floor.

Centennial School