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Wildflowers blooming on USI Trails

Winter Wildflowers

January February March Location/Trail
Snowdrops Snowdrops Snowdrops Bent Twig 
Daffodils Daffodils South, Bent Twig, Disc Golf \
Hellebore Hellebore Burdette, South
Purple Dead Nettle Bent Twig, Disc Golf, South
Dutchman's Breeches South
Jack in the Pulpit South
Cutleaf Toothwort Burdette, Disc Golf, South,
Yellow Trout Lilly South

Spring Wildflowers

April May June Location/Trail
Mayapple Mayapple Jack in the Pulpit Bent Twig, South
Wild Blue Phlox Jack in the Pulpit Spring Beauty Disc Golf
Dutchman's Breeches Spring Beauty Milkweed South
Jack in the Pulpit  Trillium Queen Anne's Lace South
Spring Beauty   Pokeweed Bent Twig, Disc Golf
Trillium Butterfly Weed South
Tall Ironweed Burdette
Black eyed Susan Burdette

Summer Wildflowers

July Aug Sept Location/Trail
Wild Bergamont Wild Bergamont Wild Bergamont South
Bull Thistle Bull Thistle Bull Thistle Burdette
Belleflower Belleflower Belleflower Burdette
Tall Ironweed Tall Ironweed Tall Ironweed Burdette
Milkweed Milkweed Milkweed Burdette
Queen Anne's Lace Queen Anne's Lace Queen Anne's Lace Burdette
Joe Pye Weed Joe Pye Weed Joe Pye Weed Burdette
Goldenrod Goldenrod Goldenrods Bent Twig, Burdette, Disc Golf
White Snakeroot White Snakeroot Bent Twig, Disc Golf
Jewelweed Jewelweed Jewelweed Bent Twig, Disc Golf

Fall Wild Flowers

October November December Location/Trail
Pokeweed Pokeweed Burdette, Bent Twig
Goldenrod Goldenrod Burdette, Bent Twig
Jewelweed Bent Twig, Disc Golf
Queen Anne's Lace Bent Twig, Burdette, Disc Golf
White Snakeroot Bent Twig, Disc Golf