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Student Affairs

Student Affairs enhances the University's mission by engaging students in programs and services that help develop responsible, contributing members of our global society. Our holistic approach to education values learning that takes place both in and out of the classroom, and provides opportunities for students to apply classroom learning in a variety of settings. Through our programs and services, we provide opportunities for students to learn to live wisely, attain success, and contribute to their university community.

Interim Vice President Dr. Pamela Hopson is the leader of Student Affairs and reports directly to Interim President Steven J. Bridges. Departments reporting to Dr. Hopson are listed below.

Our Departments

The University of Southern Indiana is a diverse community devoted to preparing students to become better students.  Each member of the community is obligated to a code of civil behavior.  If you experience or observe actions on campus which are not in accordance with the USI Creed, please contact the Dean of Students Office at 812-464-1862.

Make a Gift

You can directly impact our work to support students with a gift to Student Affairs through the USI Foundation. Your gift can start making a difference today. Online giving is easy, secure, and convenient.

How to Give