Carly Andrews
"...she was very helpful in working with us on developing a schedule and a plan for my new pediatric focused skills day and also helping writing new dialogue for the old versions of the simulation they had- she adjusted the wording, created new roles to involve more hands on learning from students and also worked on the tech end to make my wish of live streaming into the class and ability to record and replay possible. with her help I managed to put on 5 different group simulations back to back and none were identical, so each group had new material and a new situation; while the remaining students could watch live stream and see all the scenarios."

Sarah Bengert
"...Sarah is fantastic. When I need something done, she works fast and efficiently to make it happen. This semester she has gone above and beyond! I feel like I am constantly asking her for things. Here's one example: We are doing a True Crime Summer Book Club for our students. Sarah created the Qualtrics survey for students to sign up, managed the responses, and created a spreadsheet where she organized the students by their in-person classes so we could get books to them more easily."

Christine Crews
"...Christine Crews is a master of her job as Administrative Associate of Historic New Harmony. On the rare occasion that Christine needs to miss work or take a vacation day (though she'll always provide as much advance notice as she can), the office never functions as smoothly as the days she's onsite. As noted in her performance evaluation, there's thousands of tasks that she takes care of for our office on a daily, weekly, monthly, and annual basis that she makes seem so effortless, but I recognize is an enormous amount of work. She plays an enormous role in ensuring our bills are paid, our timesheets are accounted for, workorders are turned in, reports are run and distributed, meeting notes are taken and emailed, rents are collected, catering is ordered, ect.. She does it all and before I even ask if it's ready.

Stephanie Dodson
"...Stephanie is naturally a quiet person. While quiet, she is always friendly and supportive of everyone in the office. She always presents a positive attitude by never complaining, always sees the positive side of the situation. She has a calming personality. She truly cares about everyone and is willing to help out others."

Jada Hogg
"...Ms. Jada stay up-to-date with all higher education happenings and is an active member of the USI community. There isn't a student event that you won't see Ms. Jada at or a staff member she won't speak with. She is the template to what a mentor should be for both staff and students. She ignites pride within each person she interacts with and uses her connections to better not only her students, but collogues as well."

Terah Hoskins
"...Ms. Terah Hoskins has exceptional resourcefulness, along with effective written and oral communications skills. She responds to inquiries promptly and thoughtfully, and makes sure that all interactions are positive. Her creativity is also much appreciated, whether it be a design for a program recognizing students or a flyer for an event, For example, she put together a thoughtful and meaningful slide show highlighting the outstanding graduates and other student award recipients for the Pott College Honors Day Recognition ceremony."

Jillian Jones
"...Jillian not only oversees all funding and budgets pertaining to the dean's office, but they assists each academic unit in ensuring we understand our budgets, receive correct reimbursements, and assists everyone with setting up Chrome River to make traveling as smooth as possible (to name a few responsibilities). They are attentive, efficient, has excellent attention to detail, and is one of the most approachable people I've worked with. Their job requires a lot from them. In the past year, they have assisted our department in many tasks while we search for an AA, although they are not our interim AA. They have never turned a request away stating they were too busy, and in fact, helps the members of our department and students with genuine empathy and care."

Melody Lemberg
"...Melody is exceptionally approachable, open, and welcoming to everyone who crosses paths with her. She greets each day with enthusiasm, taking the time to wish everyone a good morning and inquire about their well-being. Her vibrant personality fosters a lively and positive atmosphere that encourages spontaneous conversations about both work and personal matters. Known for her unwavering willingness to assist others, Melody graciously interrupts her tasks to offer support whenever someone is in need. Her genuine kindness and genuine willingness to help have earned her the admiration and respect of all who know her."

Tina McCalment
"...She is willing to help the faculty in and out out of her specified duty. I feel so supported by her all the time. She is always available and professional in giving suggestions and finding solutions. She is always positive and willing to figure out solutions. She always know the answers or is willing to find out the answers."

Terry McIntosh
"...The nominee is an unflappable presence and the first point-of-contact when entering the CIP office. I began working in the office in June 2023. Not only does Terry have a wealth of historical knowledge of USI, but she also has an innate ability to connect with our students at a personal level. In my tenure at USI, Terry has consistently greeted students with a big smile, offered candy, and even has given hugs to our students. Outside of her ability to develop rapport with the students, she consistently excels in the tasks assigned to her. She is very detail-oriented, thorough, and is very thoughtful in all the work she does. The nominee continuously goes above and beyond in all she does. She intentionally seeks out opportunities to help colleagues in the office when her own plate is full, thinks of ways in which we can help our student workers gain valuable skills needed in the workforce, and is always willing to exhibit pride not only for her position, but for the university more broadly."

Loren Paugh
"...Loren represented IT when new student orientation happens, and is there on weekends to help new students get setup and started. Loren is also the academic services liaison on our new Team Dynamix Knowledge Base write up committee."

Will Phillips
"...As mentioned previously, he's done an excellent job communicating with faculty and students. He provides incredibly important advising information quickly and thoroughly. One of the many things that impresses me with his work is that he's not just answering single question and is done. He reminds students of other key elements (e.g., how to register for a closed class or the other implications of dropping a course) that I've noted I wished I had reiterated because it helps to ensure a smooth transition for the student."

Simran Singh
"...Along with providing integral services to the university in her role in Special Events and Scheduling, Simran also coordinates and manages appearances of our mascot Archie the Eagle which boosts spirits on campus. Simran works outside of regular hours to accommodate and ensure that events run smoothly and all needs are met."

Patricia Tieken
"...She consistently nurtures a positive and collaborative work environment by being highly responsive to issues and questions. Her promptness in addressing concerns fosters a sense of trust and reliability among colleagues, encouraging open communication and collaboration. Her proactive communication ensures a smooth process. Her promptness, helpful solutions and guidance optimizes operations and enhances the travel experience for USI staff and students."

Sherry Tynes
"...Sherry goes above and beyond in her position. For instance, we are close to implementing a new CRM and Sherry is constantly thinking about how she will be able to perform her job duties when we go live with the CRM in May 2024. She considers how the data currently is stored in Banner and has provided feedback on where the data should be stored in the new CRM so we can access it and use it. Sherry cares greatly about records maintenance and the accuracy of the data. She is a subject matter expert and has been extremely valuable to me personally not only over the past year but during our entire time working together (8+years)."

Richard Wire
"...Rich is a contributing member of the technology team and is always ready and willing to join projects if he can contribute. Rich is an excellent problem solver and will work continuously with you to come to a resolution."