USI School of Graduate Studies to add Certificate in Leadership in Fall 2024
May 29, 2024
In Fall 2024, the University of Southern Indiana’s School of Graduate Studies will launch the Graduate Certificate in Leadership, designed to provide individuals with essential skills needed to assume leadership positions and strengthen communication and innovation skills.
The Graduate Certificate in Leadership, unique in its emphasis on the critical skills of communication (oral and written) and critical thinking, is a nine-credit hour credential. Course curriculum spans disciplines from communication and management to public administration and English.
Dr. Michael Dixon, Dean of the School of Graduate Studies, says the certificate evolved from conversations with regional employers wishing to advance excellent employees to leadership positions after additional training.
“While developing the Graduate Certificate in Leadership, we engaged business leaders and HR representatives across the community and region. All expressed a keen interest in the initiative, especially the intentional effort to construct a leadership curriculum that emphasizes skills such as communication within the workplace as a unique strength of this program,” said Dixon. “Those currently in the workforce, who seek advancement or new positions, will find the certificate offers a balanced and multi-disciplinary curriculum in an accelerated format that provides working professions with the convenience and flexibility they need to complete this program on their schedules.”
One hundred percent online, the 14-week credential will complement other graduate certificates such as the Cultural Awareness Training Certificate and others to provide students the specialized credentials they need for the positions they aspire to fill.
“The modern learner has different needs today than they did five or 10 years ago. Many of those seeking higher education credentials today are looking to reskill or upskill to align with industry demands or to change careers rather than seeking a full degree program,” said Dr. Brian Crose, Director of Online Learning. “Short term programs like our Graduate Certificate in Leadership provides an opportunity to advance, while also meeting the desire to earn a credential in a short time period to acquire new skills.”
To learn more about the Graduate Certificate in Leadership and how to apply, visit USI.edu/graduatestudies.