USI Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education recognized as CAEP accredited program
The University of Southern Indiana’s Educator Preparation Program (EPP), spanning two Colleges and numerous majors and minors, has received a seven-year extension on its accreditation from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
The EPP is housed in the Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education and the College of Liberal Arts, including majors and minors such as elementary education, special education, early childhood education, mathematics, history and more.
CAEP’s mission is to advance equity and excellence in educator preparation through evidence-based accreditation that assures quality and supports continuous improvement to strengthen P-12 learning.
“We are very proud that our Educator Preparation Program has once again earned national recognition from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation,” says Dr. Tori Colson, Assistant Dean of the Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education and Interim Chair of Teacher Education. “This recognition is a testament to our commitment to excellence in high-quality teacher preparation and dedication to ensure our graduates are well-prepared to make significant contributions in the classroom.”
In addition to preparing students for careers in education, accreditation provides a framework that pushes educator preparation programs to continually self-assess and conduct evidence-based analysis of their programs and their efficacy.
“National accreditation by CAEP is critical to our teacher preparation programs in the Pott College to ensure quality classroom instruction, meaningful clinical experiences and rewarding professional development,” says Dr. William Elliott, Interim Dean of the Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education. “This renewal serves as a mark of quality, demonstrating that USI's Teacher Education Programs meet rigorous standards and prepare future educators effectively for their roles in the classroom.”
For more information on Teacher Education Programs at USI, visit USI.edu/teachered. For more information on EPP, visit the EPP webpage.