Conner to serve as USI Director of Athletic Marketing and Fan Engagement
February 23, 2024
Cameron Conner has been selected as Director of Athletic Marketing and Fan Engagement at the University of Southern Indiana, effective Monday, February 26. He will report to Kindra Strupp, Vice President for Marketing and Communication, and Jon Mark Hall, Associate Vice President and Director of Athletics.
As the Director of Athletic Marketing and Fan Engagement, Conner will provide strong vision and be responsible for planning, development, and implementation of athletic marketing strategies, branding initiatives, marketing communications, community activities and game experience. This role is responsible for enhancing the profile of USI Athletics within the University and externally.
Prior to USI, Conner was Director of Game Day Operations and Events at McKendree University in Illinois where he served as game day manager for 36 athletic programs, developed theme night promotions to increase athletic event attendance and revenue, assisted with the production of all print and electronic media advertisements and more. Conner has also worked as a high school athletic director and served in several intern roles before his time at McKendree.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in mass communications from Lindenwood University-Belleville; a master’s degree in education, from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; a master’s degree in sport management from Missouri Baptist University; and is working to complete a doctorate in college access/career readiness and student support services in higher education from the University of Missouri St. Louis.