“Honoring the Legacy of the Gullah People,” a virtual event hosted by USI
April 5, 2023
The University of Southern Indiana College of Liberal Arts Global Studies program will host the virtual event “Honoring the Legacy of the Gullah People,” at noon Wednesday, April 12 via Zoom.
The event will feature presenters, Dr. Nubian Sun, Clinical Assistant Professor at the School of Social Work at Sacred Heart University, and Dr. Veronica Huggins, USI Associate Professor of Social Work, who will discuss the heritage and significance of the Gullah and why their culture should be preserved.
The Gullah are a unique community who live in the Lowcountry region of South Carolina and Georgia, and their history dates to the time of slavery in the United States. Today, the Gullah continue to maintain their cultural heritage and language, and their traditions have become an important part of American history.
Sun has written extensively on the Gullah People and their culture. Huggins’ research interests include self-efficacy among vulnerable populations.
This event is open to the public at no charge and is ideal for anyone interested in learning more about the Gullah and their unique culture. It is also an excellent opportunity for students, educators and scholars to deepen their knowledge of African American studies and cultural preservation.
For more information, visit USI.edu/globalsalon.