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USI seeks nominees for 21st class of Phenomenal Women

January 27, 2022

The University of Southern Indiana Multicultural Center is proudly accepting nominations for its 21st class of Phenomenal Women of USI and the Community. Since the program's establishment in 2001, the University has recognized more than 200 Phenomenal Women for their contributions to diversity, both at USI and in the greater Evansville community. 

Phenomenal Women nominees may be USI students, employees and alumna, as well as community members who serve as role models and impact lives as champions of diversity. 

"The Multicultural Center encourages the community to take the time and nominate those silent heroes who continue to impact the lives of others from day to day," Jada Hogg, Outreach Coordinator and Student Mentor for the USI Multicultural Center, says. "My favorite Maya Angelou quote has always been 'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'" 

Nominations should be completed online through the Multicultural Center's website by Friday, February 4. Honorees will be recognized during an in-person celebration at 6 p.m. Tuesday, March 29 in Carter Hall, located in University Center West.  

Detailed information about the 2022 Phenomenal Women celebration, being held in conjunction with Women's History Month, will be shared with honorees and the community at a later date. Tickets are $15 to attend the in-person celebration. 

The Phenomenal Women program aims to inspire others to embrace and promote diversity within their own lives and the lives of others. 

Visit the Phenomenal Women website for nomination information and to view previous Phenomenal Women honorees. If you have a question about the event or nomination process, contact the Multicultural Center at 812-228-5000 or email 

"I don't shout or jump about 
Or have to talk real loud. 
When you see me passing, 
It ought to make you proud." 

-Excerpt from Maya Angelou's poem, "Phenomenal Woman" 

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