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USI celebrating National International Education Week

November 14, 2016

The University of Southern Indiana is joining in the celebration of National International Education Week (NIEW) from November 14-18 with a full week of activities across campus.

NIEW is a joint initiative of the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education aimed at raising awareness of the benefits of education and highlighting programs that serve and prepare Americans for a global environment and attract students from abroad to study in the United States.

Dates, times and locations of highlighted events appears below. For more information contact Nicole Vernon in International Programs and Services at or 812-228-5092.

Noon Monday, November 14 - Carter Hall

International Career Seminar - Going Abroad 101

Learn about the career value of going abroad from best-selling author Jean-Marc Hachey and his website MyWorldAbroad. This comprehensive introduction to all things "go abroad" will identify skills for succeeding overseas and long-term career strategies. Learn about the "international IQ", how to target your job search and how to sell your international skills to future employers. From basics to high-level global career skills, this seminar is brimming with practical tips, expert advice and humorous stories to help students go abroad and prepare for work in the new global economy.      

Co-sponsored by USI's Center for International Programs and Office of Career Services and Internships, with support from the Provost's Programming Grant and Student Development


3 p.m. Tuesday, November 15 - Traditions Lounge in University Center East

Global Engagement Initiative Forum

USI's Global Engagement Initiative (GEI) provides opportunities for students to gain a better understanding of shared global issues and challenges which impact our world. The GEI program supports study, research, and intern abroad experiences which address one of the following issues: public health, education, poverty reduction, environment, sustainability, and climate change and peace and human rights.  Participants gain cultural competency while enhancing their understanding of important issues facing people across the world. In sharing their experiences upon return to our campus, GEI participants are able to articulate to the USI community the of importance of learning about global challenges, how those same challenges impact people in our own communities, and what we can do to make a difference in our world.

Presentation topics and countries represented will include:


Noon Wednesday, November 16 - Traditions Lounge in University Center East

Global Engagement Initiative Forum

Presentation topics and countries represented will include:


9 p.m. Friday, November 18 - Recreation Fitness and Wellness Center

International Extravaganza, sponsored by International Club

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