Getting to know Archie T. Eagle
October 19, 2015
Archie the Eagle is getting ready to celebrate his 45th birthday on October 20. It's a wonderful time to celebrate, have some cake, get a photo taken and sing Happy Birthday to our beloved mascot. Archie has been busier than ever this year celebrating the University's 50th anniversary, maintaining his Facebook page and pumping up the crowd at USI athletic events with his cheer section, "Archie's Army," formerly Red Zone. Lucky for us, Archie took the time out of his busy schedule to peck out the responses to my interview questions. So, there's no better time than the present to get to know more about the maestro of school spirit, the photogenic wingman, the handsomest bird on campus, Archibald T. Eagle.
We know you were born here at USI. What has kept you from flying away to other regions?
Eagles are diurnal (daytime) fliers, and we use landmarks to guide us to our homes. In my case, USI is the only home for me. And, it's got the best landmark in the city of Evansville to guide me home: The Cone.
I have everything an eagle could want right here: a nice wooded area along the Burdette Trail to nest, friends and brilliant faculty who can teach me about anything that strikes my curiosity. The energy from the students is amazing, and the student athletes are fun to support. The campus is beautiful. I can't imagine living anywhere else!
I've seen numerous images of you posing with students, parents and University employees. How does it feel to be such a popular bird?
Being a celebirdy is a serious responsibility. I've got fans who look up to me. I'd say it makes me feel like one proud bird. It's a wonderful feeling to be a part of so much school spirit.
Do you ever get tired of being in the limelight?
Absolutely not, a mascot's work is never done. There's something to be said for having a job that you love and look forward to doing each and every day. Some days I wish there was more time so I could spend it with the students and our great community. But, every now and then, it is nice to just hang out around the Eagle's Nest.
I hear you have a birthday coming up. How old will you be?
All I'll say is you're only as old as you feel, and I feel like an eaglet. My birthday invitations will tell you I'll be 45, but I'm as vibrant and robust as our students.
What's your favorite way to celebrate your birthday?
I love soaring high over USI's campus and marveling at not only the beauty, but also the growth and expansion my beloved USI has managed over the past 50 years. My birthday parties are always a bash as well. I get to celebrate with the entire campus community, as well as all of my mascot friends from around town.
We know that you're a huge fan of USI athletics. What gets you excited about watching the games?
It's the energy from our students and fans at all the events. They really know how to show some ScrEaglePride! We need more students and fans to come out and support our athletes. We have some amazing talent here at USI. Besides, you'll get to see me working the crowd and leading the Archie's Army student cheer section.
What would constitute a perfect day for you?
I'd like to wake up early, have a latte at Starbucks, maybe a bit of breakfast, a fish from Reflection Lake. Then I'd pull up the USI calendar and see what kind of events we have on campus that day and where I'll be making an appearance. I might flip through the newest USI Magazine or read the latest USI Today feature. On a perfect day, I'd get to cheer on the players at a game. I might even catch a free movie at Cinema USI or check out some books at the Rice Library; I'm an avid reader.
Tell me about some of your favorites: books, movies, bands.
Coincidentally, both my favorite film and book is based on one story, and both are titled, The Eagle Has Landed. As for bands, I like the classics like The Eagles, The Byrds, Wings, Sheryl Crow and Flock of Seagulls.
What is your best childhood memory?
When I was a very small eaglet, it would be the warm memories of my mother reading me Mother Goose stories. But I'll never forget the day they cut the ball and chain off my ankle in 1985. It was a liberating moment and one that will stay with me forever. It's a big piece of Evansville history now.
You recently had a makeover, and you look like a brand new eagle. What made you decide to update your look?
I wanted to look as young as I feel, so I hit the gym and started taking my vitamins. It's important that I stay healthy so I can participate at all of these fun events with students!
You have quite a following, I've heard about the new Archie's Army. Can you tell me a little about that?
Archie's Army is what was formerly known as the Red Zone, the student fan cheering section at athletic events. Because I'm the mascot and the leader of school spirit, it only makes sense that they are my army of fans. I'm excited to work with them to cheer on our student athletes and participate at other events on campus showing our school spirit.
Visit Archie's Facebook page, become a fan and see what's on his schedule. Join Archie and friends from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 20, outside the University Center to celebrate his 45th birthday and have some cake.