Mikulski recognized for hard work and dedication
September 3, 2013
Michael Mikulski has been a spirited presence at USI since his arrival on campus as an undergraduate student 13 years ago. Now an operations assistant in Information Technology, he continues to play a vital role in the USI community as a pillar of his department and as the on-campus advisor to members of Kappa Alpha Order, one of USI's seven fraternities.
Mikulski was recognized for his dedication to USI and his contributions to the IT department with the Support Staff Performance Recognition Award, presented by USI's Staff Council at the Employee Recognition Luncheon in August. Though Mikulski was on vacation at the time, he later received his trophy in a small ceremony in the IT office.
"To ensure excellence among students and faculty, it requires excellence from those who serve them," said Betsy Jo Mullins, Staff Council chair and administrative assistant in Residence Life, who presented the award. "Full commitment from every support staff member is crucial to achieving the University's goals. It's those like Michael Mikulski that provide the foundation for a strong support staff."
Mikulski began working in IT - then called Instructional Technology Services - as a student worker in 2003. The same year, he became a founding father of USI's Zeta Omicron chapter of Kappa Alpha Order. He was hired full time after completing his bachelor's degree in physical education in 2005. "Having fantastic colleagues (and fraternity brothers) throughout campus makes this job extremely enjoyable," Mikuslki said. "I've met so many wonderful people throughout my time here at USI that helped shape me into the person that I am today, and for that I am eternally grateful."
Mikulski's coworkers say he brings to the job and the IT department "optimism, preparedness, willingness, and overall superb work ethic." In a letter nominating Mikulski for the award, one colleague wrote, "As a smile is contagious, Michael's work ethic is as well. His creativity and ability to work through problems helps him rise to perfection with his work. His excellence in his everyday tasks and the ones he is handed is noticeable in everything he takes on."
Even at the end of a work day, his attention to detail persists, down to the moment he kicks off his shoes. "When I take my shoes off, they have to be placed side by side in the correct manner," Mikulski admits. "The left shoe can't be on the right and vice versa." Outside of work, Mikulski likes to watch and play sports, ride roller coasters, and keep abreast of new technology.
He is "elated" to be recognized for his hard work and dedication to USI. "To be forever tied back to the university as something other than an alumnus or, when the day comes, a former employee, is a remarkable feeling. I will continue to work hard and make sure the needs of the faculty and staff throughout the University are met."
Also nominated for the Performance Recognition Award were Mary Alice Weigand, administrative associate in the Dean of Students Office; Terry Hayden, maintenance mechanic in the Physical Plant; and Julie D'Mellow, lead custodial worker in Custodial Services.
In addition to the award announcement, President Linda L. M. Bennett, Provost Ronald Rochon, and Mark Rozewski, vice president for finance and administration, recognized the milestones of the following employees in their years of service:
5 years:
- Crystal Arnwine, building/equipment supervisor, Physical Activities Center
- Karen Becker, teacher, Children's Learning Center
- Bobbie Brown, senior program assistant, Center for Applied Research and Economic Development
- Rachel Cutchin, cashier, Bookstore
- Jessica Caroline Fields, administrative assistant, Procurement Services
- Karen Fleck, teacher, Children's Learning Center
- Kathi Goen, administrative assistant, Teacher Education
- Paul Hedrick, HVAC operator, Physical Plant
- Kim Jost, senior administrative assistant, Student Financial Assistance
- Amy Miller, benefits supervisor, Human Resources
- Sarah Noelle, cashier, Bursar
- Peggy Norman, administrative assistant, Risk Management and Safety
- Anne Putty, bookstore assistant, Bookstore
- Kelli Rainey, computer technician, Information Technology
- Alan Roberson, maintenance mechanic, Physical Plant
- Keith Royster, storeroom clerk, Physical Plant
- Ted Rutherford, custodial worker, Custodial Services
- Susan Sauls, art collection registrar, Art Collection Committee
- Lisa Schnur, senior cashier, Bookstore
- Pamela Shaw, administrative assistant, Student Financial Assistance
- Michelle Simmons, administrative assistant, Romain College of Business
- Ronnetta Smith, copy services supervisor, Copy Center
- Marilyn Thielman, administrative assistant, Center for Communal Studies
- Lorie Van Hook, administrative associate, Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education
- Cassandra Wollrab, teacher, Children's Learning Center
10 years:
- Michael Auberry, lead custodial worker, Physical Plant
- Cynthia Crews, custodian/maintenance, Historic New Harmony
- Heidi Fraser, distribution services technician, Distribution Services
- Mary Angela Goebel, senior administrative assistant, Athletics Administration
- Gary Gumbel, HVAC operator, Physical Plant
- Gregory Orth, custodial worker, Custodial Services
- Susan Schmitt, library assistant, Library Services
- Tracy Sparks, senior bookstore assistant, Bookstore
- Shirley Webster, custodial worker, Custodial Services
- Penny White, senior administrative associate, University Relations
15 years:
- David Adcock, custodial services supervisor, Custodial Services
- Larry Albin, HVAC operator, Physical Plant
- Brad Bridgewater, computer maintenance technician, Information Technology
- Darrin Burns, computer operator, Information Technology
- David Estel, computer maintenance supervisor, Information Technology
- Bill Forston, offset press operator, Publishing Services
- Vince Frazier, science and engineering lab technician, Science Center
- Marinea Gross, custodial worker, Custodial Services
- Paul Kinner, computer maintenance technician, Information Technology
- Brian McWilliams, public safety staff sergeant, Public Safety
- Chris Norrick, senior graphic artist, Publishing Services
- Kim Rollett, help desk supervisor, Information Technology
- Sheree Seib, senior administrative associate, Academic Affairs
- Darren Shelton, distribution services supervisor, Distribution Services
20 years:
- Melissa Burch, senior administrative assistant, Housing and Residence Life
- Donald Fleming, grounds and athletic field supervisor, Grounds Center
- Terry Hayden, senior maintenance mechanic, Physical Plant
- David Huebner, art workshop supervisor, Department of Art
- Kim Reddington, senior administrative assistant, Athletics Administration
- Todd Tichenor, senior maintenance mechanic, Physical Plant
25 years:
- Bettye Hendrickson, accounting assistant, Accounts Payable
30 years:
- Debbie Brakel, clinical services coordinator, Evansville Center for Medical Education
- Gail Cummings, administrative associate, Special Events and Scheduling Services
- James DeWeese, lead mechanic, Physical Plant
- Yohanna Susie Kempf, senior computer operator, Information Technology