USI College of Business moves forward with Business Leadership Network
February 5, 2013
The University of Southern Indiana will host a meeting next week to announce recommendations for the creation of a Business Leadership Network (BLN) in Southwestern Indiana. Dr. Mohammed Khayum, dean of the College of Business, will announce the organizational structure of the BLN at 8 a.m. Tuesday, February 12, in the Business and Engineering Center's Romain Board Room (Room 3024) on campus.
The Business Leadership Network is a national, employer-led endeavor designed to create a business-to-business approach to promoting employment of people with disabilities. There are more than 50 affiliate chapters across the United States. Indiana has nine regional BLNs, but none previously existed in Southwestern Indiana.
The University of Southern Indiana is the lead organization in developing the local chapter. Khayum's announcement will be the culmination of local needs assessments and development research started by BLN formation committees early last fall.
The goals of the BLN are to increase employment opportunities for qualified individuals with disabilities, provide employers with a pool of potential employees and disability employment information, develop and promote a network of best practice employers, and recognize Indiana's diverse workforce and marketplace accomplishments.
Hoosiers with disabilities have the highest unemployment rate of any minority, though studies have shown that many employers in Indiana already know that people with disabilities make excellent employees. Those participating in the Southwestern Indiana initiative believe formation of a local BLN is an important economic and workforce development tool for Southwest Indiana.
The event is free and reservations can be made by contacting Franka Siscel by email at fsiscel@inspireassociatesinc.com or by phone at 812/454-0990.
The Indiana BLN, adopted in 2002, utilizes a regional concept with the five regions of the state recognized by Indiana's Office of Vocational Rehabilitation. More about Indiana BLN can be found at http://inbln.org/.