Belonging Workshops
The Multicultural Center staff conducts workshops and various campus-based programs relating to belonging for the USI community. The purpose for these workshops is to strengthen and enhance awareness of diversity within the University community as it relates to race, gender, religion, nationality, age, sexual orientation, disabilities and more. Through diversity workshops, participants explore ways they can make the University a place where diversity is welcomed and appreciated.
If you are interested in reserving a workshop, contact Pamela Hopson at 812-465-7188.
The Multicultural Center has a series of newsletters to connect with various groups of people.
- The Multicultural Connection is a monthly electronic newsletter published by the Multicultural Center to update underrepresented students at the University on cultural activities and programs sponsored within the University.
- The MCC Family and Parent Newsletter is mailed out three times a year (July, October, March) to parents with first-year students. The focus of the newsletter is to keep parents informed and engaged with the Multicultural Center and the University.
- The MCC Update Newsletter is a one-page electronic newsletter for all students that provides them with an update of any changes that have occurred in the Multicultural Center. This newsletter is e-mailed to students twice a year, the week before school starts each semester.
These newsletters assist underrepresented students in various ways. By receiving one or all three of these newsletters, students are able to stay informed and better equipped during each academic semester. To receive an electronic or hard copy of one or all three of the newsletters, please contact Deonte Turnley via email or phone at 812-228-7032.
Resource Library
The Multicultural Center Resource Library maintains a basic collection of diverse publications and subject matters. The library serves as a resource center for all students who have a need to pursue intercultural studies. We encourage all students to visit the library.
Hours and Location
The library is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. It is located in the Multicultural Center, University Center East, Room 1244.
Library Rules
- Sign in at the front desk.
- Check out books according to proper circulation procedures.
- Return borrowed books and videos to the student worker on duty.
- Return used, unborrowed books and magazines to the designated shelving spot.
- Books may be borrowed for 30 days. Videos may be borrowed for one week.
- Food and drink are not permitted in the library area.
- Magazines are not permitted outside of the Multicultural Center area.
To provide all students, staff, and faculty, inclusively, with scholarly opportunities accessing, using, and developing information skill sets for the purposes of academic, career, and personal life long learning pursuits.
To promote cross-cultural sharing experiences in a hospitable learning environment for groups and individuals.
- Books
- Periodicals (magazines and newspapers)
- Videos
- Abilities and Disabilities
- African Americans
- Asian Americans
- Belonging
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender
- Gender
- Hispanic/Latino/a/x Americans
- Multicultural Education
- Multicultural Health
- Multiculturalism
- Native Americans
- Religions
All students, faculty and staff with an Eagle Access card are welcome to borrow our resources.
General Collection
- Undergraduate Students: 3-week loan, with up to 2 renewals
- Graduate and Intensive English Program Students: 8-week loan, with up to 1 renewal
- Faculty & Staff: Semester-long loan
Popular and Casual Reading books
- ALL USI groups: 3-week loan, with up to 2 renewals
DVD's, Music CD's, Audio books
- All USI groups: 1-week loan, with no renewals. Instructors who need items for a course should inquiry about an extension.
Check the online catalog at David L. Rice Library.