Unsung Heros
Barbara Goodwin
Unsung Heroes: The Scoring Crew

TOGETHER, THEY HAVE more than 100 years of recording statistics, running the clock, keeping score, announcing for events and more, but the one thing they do not do is watch the sporting events simply for enjoyment. This scoring crew is here so the fans can have a richer experience. They are the key to successful operations of every match or game that happens at USI. They do it both for the love of USI and Ray Simmons, Director of Athletic Communication, for whom they all say is a big reason they show up. Each of them echoed in some way this sentiment: "I don't think I would do it if it wasn't for Ray. He treats us very well."
ZANE CLODFELTER '13, journalism, is the Sports Editor at the Spencer County Journal-Democrat and a regional contributing editor for the Paxton Media Group. While he is the Public Address Announcer for the Evansville Otters and other sporting events, his heart is with USI. "The 2019 Division II Elite Eight and national semifinal was the most exciting moment for me [in this role]. I was hired by the NCAA to work those games, so I had to be neutral. I was wearing an NCAA jacket that they gave me. But under the jacket, I wore my little USI pin."
SARA LOETE '11 M'23, history, social science (teaching), educational leadership (EdS) is the Assistant Principal at Harrison High School. She's a former designated hitter for USI Softball and she records event statistics. "[The events can be really exciting], but something that really stands out for me is when I interned my senior year and Coach Rodney Watson walked up to me and sat; we had a conversation for 30 minutes. Having access to the coaches made me feel like I was part of the USI Basketball family."
MICHAEL FETSCHER '96, communications, USI's Digital Media Coordinator for the Kinney College of Nursing and Health Professions, joined Ray's crew in 1991 as a first-year student, working the soccer scoreboard. Since then, he's seen and done it all. "This goes back to the old PAC days. I was doing sound and was located at the scorer's table at that time and at some point, USI's Coach Bruce Pearl and GLVC rival Kentucky Wesleyan's Coach Ray Harper were nose to nose, screaming at each other. I thought 'I'm just going to play the Rocky theme and see how it plays out.'"
RYAN REYNOLDS '00, journalism and computer publishing, was the Editor of The Shield while a student, now he is the Executive Editor of the Evansville Courier & Press. He calls the games for the statisticians. "You don't get absorbed in the basketball games much, because you're busy describing it, but it's fun to be here with the crew at the scorer's table. We are all part-time for this and Ray treats us well. If we are sick or can't come in, he understands and makes it work. He doesn't hold a grudge. He's just as good a dude that you'll ever find."
DARREN SHELTON, USI Distribution Services Supervisor, has rotated on and off the crew since 1993, in the days of Roberts Stadium and when typewriters were the norm. "We kept score on typewriters and paper. You would circle and underline codes Ray Simmons made with red and blue pens that we would switch at halftime." He's a scoreboard guru who takes the heat from the fans if the scoreboard isn't 100% accurate all the time. But Darren never gets heat from Ray. "If you know you are right and some coach starts yelling at you, he'll back you up."