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William Elliott, Jr.

Dr. William S. Elliott, Jr., Ph.D.

Professor of Geology

Geology, Physics and Environmental Science Department

Interim Dean of the Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education

Pott College of Science, Engineering, and Education


My teaching experience includes Introductory Geology, Historical Geology, Earth Systems Science, Intermediate Geology, Sedimentology & Stratigraphy, Paleontology, Sedimentary Petrology, Geology of Soils, Geological Field Excursion, Geomorphology, and Field Geology.  Field trips are an integral part to most of my courses, allowing students to observe geological processes and concepts first-hand.  I am comfortable teaching both large- and small-sized classes.  I approach all of my classes with enthusiasm and have well organized class materials for students.  I have received several teaching awards for my efforts, including the Challenge Award for teaching students with disabilities at Southern Oregon University and a Teaching Excellence Award in the Department of Geological Sciences at Indiana University.  Below is a summary of courses that I am currently teaching at the University of Southern Indiana:

Geology 315: Paleontology (4 credits).  Provides geology majors with exposure to Earth’s history and enables students to classify and identify invertebrate fossils. In addition, students are required to complete hands-on laboratory exercises, as well as a project that uses field data collected by the students on a class field trip. Students are also introduced to proposal writing and preparation. This course is required of geology majors and earth-space science teaching majors at USI.

Geology 315

GEOL 315 Class field trip to Falls of the Ohio in Fall 2010.

Geology 316: Sedimentology & Stratigraphy (4 credits).  Lecture and laboratory study of composition, texture, descriptive lithologic classification, correlation, and paleoenvironmental interpretation of sediments and sedimentary rocks. The course uses subsurface data including cores and geophysical well logs and is required of geology majors at USI.

Geology 316

GEOL 316 students on the Spring 2013 Field Trip to
examine Mississippian carbonates near Bloomington, Indiana.

Geology 390: Geological Field Excursion (2 credits).  Integrated application of geological knowledge to specific field examples. Approximately five weeks of literature investigation of a geological terrain will be followed by a field trip to the selected area. Excursions will vary in length from one weekend to two weeks. The course is intended for geology majors, and students may need to cover some expenses.  

Field Trip1 Field Trip 2
GEOL 390 Students enjoying the Bright Angel Trail at Grand Canyon National Park in Summer 2015.  On this trip, students learned about the geology of the Colorado Plateau. GEOL 390 Students in front of a Redwood in northern California.  This trip permitted students to learn about the Geology of the Pacific Northwest in Summer 2011.