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Melissa Stacer

Dr. Melissa J. Stacer, PhD

Professor of Criminal Justice Studies

Criminal Justice Department

Director of Master of Arts in Criminal Justice

Criminal Justice Department


Scholarship and Professional Service

Follow me on Google Scholar

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Stacer, M.J., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (OnlineFirst, print version forthcoming). American Legion participation among incarcerated veterans. Victims and Offenders. Accepted August 1, 2024.

Stacer, M.J., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (OnlineFirst, print version forthcoming). Incarcerated veterans and their adaptation to prison. American Journal of Criminal Justice. Accepted January 17, 2024.

Jalain, C.I., & Stacer, M.J. (2024). Examining Veterans Treatment Court operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. American Journal of Criminal Justice, 49(3), 370-399.

Solinas-Saunders, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2024). Criminal thinking in a sample of men and women attending a multi-site Batterer Intervention Program. Crime & Delinquency, 70(8), 2103-2138. DOI: 10.1177/00111287221130959.

Stacer, M.J. (2022). Incarcerated men’s perceptions of the prison environment: An exploratory study. Midwest Social Sciences Journal, 25(1), 1-28. DOI: 10.22543/0796.251.1059.

Stacer, M.J., Moll, L.M., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2022). Student perceptions of corrections: The influence of media and correctional facility tours. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 22(1), 1-16. DOI: 10.14434/josotl.v22i1.29129.

Stacer, M.J. (2020). Inmate attitudes about prison tours for students. The Prison Journal, 100(6), 787-804.

Stacer, M.J., Moll., L.M.*, & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2020). The impact of correctional facility tours on student perceptions and realizations of the correctional environment: A research note. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 31(3), 400-420. DOI: 10.1080/10511253.2020.1784449. *Graduate Student.

Stacer, M.J., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2020). Justice-involved veterans: A critical review and future research. Critical Military Studies, 6(1), 41-66.  DOI: 10.1080/23337486.2018.1435384.

Stacer, M.J., Moll, L.M.*, & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2019). New opportunities or closing doors? How correctional facility tours impact students’ thoughts about careers. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 30(1), 114-135. DOI: 10.1080/10511253.2018.1448094. *Undergraduate Student.

Stacer, M.J., & Roberts, M.R. (2018). “Reversing the trend”: The role of mentoring in offender reentry. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 57(1), 1-21. DOI: 10.1080/10509674.2017.1416439.

Stacer, M.J., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2018). Criminal thinking among men beginning a Batterer Intervention Program: The relevance of military background. Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma, 27(2), 199-219. DOI: 10.1080/10926771.2017.1382640.

Solinas-Saunders, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2017). Fighting labor market discrimination with ban the box (BTB): Are there racial implications? Sociology Compass, 11(11), e12535. DOI: 10.1111/soc4.12535. (See also the Teaching & Learning Guide for this article, listed below.)

Stacer, M.J., Eagleson, R.C.*, & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2017). Exploring the utility of correctional facility tours in undergraduate criminal justice education. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 28(4), 492-513. DOI: 10.1080/10511253.2016.1254266. *Undergraduate Student.

Solinas-Saunders, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2017). Correlates of female repeated incarcerations: A retrospective investigation using a national sample. Victims and Offenders, 12(1), 138-173. DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2015.1101033

*Roberts, M.R., & Stacer, M.J. (2016). Evaluating a faith-based diversion and reentry program: Who graduates and who is rearrested?  Journal of Community Corrections, 26(1), 5-6, 15-23. *Authors contributed equally and are listed alphabetically. Available at: Reprinted with permission in 2017 in the Offender Programs Report, 20(6), 89-101(13).

Roberts, M.R., & Stacer, M.J. (2016). In their own words: Offenders’ perspectives on their participation in a faith-based diversion and reentry program. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 55(7), 466-483. DOI: 10.1080/10509674.2016.1216914

Dickerson, J.G., & Stacer, M.J. (2015). Participants and those who opted out: An exploratory recidivism study of the Vanderburgh County (Indiana) Treatment Court.  International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 08(08), 455-466. Available at:

Solinas-Saunders, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2015). An analysis of “ban the box” policies through the prism of Merton’s theory of unintended consequences of purposive social action. Critical Sociology, 41(7-8), 1187-1198. DOI: 10.1177/0896920515589001

Stacer, M.J., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2015). Physical and verbal assaults behind bars: Does military experience matter? The Prison Journal, 95(2), 199-222. DOI: 10.1177/0032885515575267

Solinas-Saunders, M., Stacer, M.J., & Guy, R. (2015). Ex-offender barriers to employment: Racial disparities in labor markets with asymmetric information. Journal of Crime and Justice, 38(2), 249-269. DOI: 10.1080/0735648X.2013.870492

Stacer, M.J., & Perrucci, R. (2013). Parental involvement with children at school, home, and community. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 34(3), 340-354. DOI: 10.1007/s10834-012-9335-y

Solinas-Saunders, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2012). Prison resources and physical/verbal assault in prison: A comparison of male and female inmates. Victims and Offenders, 7(3), 279-311. DOI: 10.1080/15564886.2012.685218

Desmond, S.A., Bruce, A.S., & Stacer, M.J. (2012). Low self-control, opportunity, and delinquency. Deviant Behavior, 33 (6), 425-47. DOI: 10.1080/01639625.2011.584055

Stacer, M.J. (2012). The interaction of race/ethnicity and mental health problems on visitation in state correctional facilities. Journal of Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 10(1), 1-23. DOI: 10.1080/15377938.2011.609395

Cox, M., Cawthorne, J., McNeill, N., Cekic, O., Frye, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2011). Assessing the pedagogical impact of the VaNTH Engineering Research Center on faculty and postdoctoral professionals.” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 5(2), 1-19. Available at:


Encyclopedia Entries/Book Reviews/Teaching & Learning Guides

Solinas-Saunders, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2024, 2019). Current controversy: Should employers be permitted to ask about criminal history. In S.L. Mallicoat & D.P. Boots, Crime and criminal justice: Concepts and controversies (3rd edition) (pp. 335-7), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, and in S. Mallicoat, Crime and criminal justice: Concepts and controversies (2nd edition) (pp. 294-6), Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Stacer, M.J. (2019). Punishment philosophies. Encyclopedia entry in V.B. Worley & R.M. Worley (Eds.), American prisons and jails: An encyclopedia of controversies and trends (pp. 538-42). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Stacer, M.J. (2019). Stigmatization versus reintegrative shaming. Encyclopedia entry in V.B. Worley & R.M. Worley (Eds.), American prisons and jails: An encyclopedia of controversies and trends (pp. 626-9). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.

Stacer, M.J. (2018). Book review of Progressive punishment: Job loss, jail growth, and the neoliberal logic of carceral expansion by Judah Schept. Criminal Justice Review, 43(2), 271-3. DOI: 10.1177/0734016817721289.

Solinas-Saunders, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2018). Teaching & learning guide for: Fighting labor market discrimination with ban the box (BTB): Are there racial implications? Sociology Compass, 12(1), 1-5. DOI: 10.1111/soc4.12551.

Stacer, M.J. (2016). Book review of Illness or deviance: Drug courts, drug treatment, and the ambiguity of addiction, by Jennifer Murphy. Criminal Justice Review, 41(3), 378-380. DOI: 10.1177/0734016815622661

Stacer, M.J. (2014). Robert Agnew. In J. Mitchell Miller (Ed.), The encyclopedia of theoretical criminology (Vol. I, pp. 20-3). Wiley-Blackwell. 

Stacer, M.J. (2014). Elijah Anderson. In J. Mitchell Miller (Ed.), The encyclopedia of theoretical criminology (Vol. I, pp. 29-32). Wiley-Blackwell. 

Stacer, M.J. (2007). Book review of The hidden cost of being African American: How wealth perpetuates inequality, by Thomas M. Shapiro. Journal of African American Studies, 11(1), 76-77. DOI: 10.1007/s12111-007-9001-x


Presentations at Professional Meetings

Stacer, M.J., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2024). The pathways to prison for incarcerated military veterans. To be presented at the American Society of Criminology conference, San Francisco, CA, November 13-16.

Colston, C., & Stacer, M.J. (2024). “I didn’t even know them benefits was out there”: VA benefits and incarcerated veterans. Abstract submitted to the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Evansville, IN, October 4.

Stacer, M.J. (2024). Eclipsing the truth: The influence of crime media on societal beliefs about the criminal justice system. Panelist with the Criminal Justice Department at the USI Interdisciplinary Colloquium “Eclipse,” Evansville, IN, April 8.

Stacer, M.J. & Nelson, C. (2024). Creating an online program: The importance and impact of collaboration. Presentation given at the North Central Sociological Association conference, Columbus, OH, March 29-30.

Stacer, M.J. (2024). Interactive assignments in social science research methods courses. Lightning presentation given at the University of Southern Indiana Celebration of Teaching and Learning Symposium, Evansville, IN, February 14.

Stacer, M.J., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2023). The troubled lives of incarcerated military veterans: Instability before, during, and after military service. Presentation given at the American Society of Criminology conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 15-18.

Solinas-Saunders, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2023). Incarcerated military veterans and participation in employment programs. Presentation given at the American Society of Criminology conference, Philadelphia, PA, November 15-18.

Stacer, M.J., and Solinas-Saunders, M. (2023). Conducting research with institutionalized persons. Presentation given at the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences conference, Kokomo, IN, October 6.

Stacer, M.J. (2023). 4/20 unlocked: A roundtable about Indiana’s marijuana legalization. Panelist with the Criminal Justice Department at the USI Interdisciplinary Colloquium “Locks and Keys,” Evansville, IN, April 20.

Stacer, M.J. (2023). Successful teaching and learning in an online accelerated graduate program. Invited panelist at the USI Graduate Student Colloquium, Evansville, IN, April 5.

Stacer, M.J., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2023). “I believe in the red, white, and blue”: Group affiliation and American Legion participation among incarcerated veterans. Presentation given at the North Central Sociological Association conference, Grand Rapids, MI, March 24-25.

Stacer, M.J., & Nelson, C. (2023). Collaborating for success: The creation of an online graduate program in criminal justice. Presentation given at the University of Southern Indiana Celebration of Teaching and Learning Symposium, Evansville, IN, February 16.

Jalain, C.I., & Stacer, M.J. (2023). VTCs during COVID-19: An examination of adaptations and best practices for continuing operation. Presentation given at the Western Society of Criminology conference, Vancouver, Canada, February 2-4.

Stacer, M.J. (2022). A lifetime of trouble: The lives of incarcerated military veterans. Presentation given at the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences conference, Gary, IN, October 7.

Stacer, M.J. (2022). Lynching and the death penalty: The evolution of capital punishment in the United States. Presented as part of the USI David L. Rice Library and Criminal Justice Department colloquium “Surviving hate: The Holocaust and other genocides,” Evansville, IN, April 21.

Stacer, M.J. (2021). Student perceptions of corrections and the impact of correctional facility tours. Abstract accepted at the American Society of Criminology conference, Chicago, IL, November 17-20; conference was held, but I did not attend due to concerns about continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

Stacer, M.J. (2021). Incarcerated men’s perceptions of the prison environment: An exploratory study. Presentation given at the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences virtual conference, April 9-10.

Stacer, M.J. (2020). An exploratory study of U.S. incarcerated individuals’ perceptions of the prison environment. Abstract accepted at the American Society of Criminology conference, Washington, DC, November 18-21; conference was cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Stacer, M.J. (2020). A lifetime of trouble: The lives of incarcerated military veterans. Abstract accepted at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences conference, San Antonio, TX, March 24-28, 2020; conference was cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic.

Stacer, M.J. (2019). Adapting to prison: The use of military training by justice-involved veterans. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November 13-16.

Stacer, M.J. (2019). “I’m treating this like I was in the Navy”: Justice-involved veterans and their adaptation to prison. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Valparaiso, IN, October 11.

Stacer, M.J. (2019). Students touring prisons: An examination of inmate attitudes. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, Cincinnati, OH, March 29-30.

Moll, L.M.*, Stacer, M.J., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2019). “I expected something different…”: Student perceptions and realizations after correctional tours. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Western Society of Criminology, Honolulu, HI, Feb. 7-9. *Graduate Student.

Stacer, M.J., Moll, L.M.*, & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2018). Dirty and smelly: Student expectations of jails and prisons. Presentation to be given at the annual meeting of the Indiana Academy of Social Sciences, New Albany, IN, October 12. *Graduate Student.

Stacer, M.J. (2018). Inmates’ attitudes towards correctional facility tours for undergraduate students: An exploratory analysis. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA, February 13-17.

Stacer, M.J. (2018). Broadening career opportunities and breaking down stereotypes: Correctional facility tours and the criminal justice student. Presented as part of the University of Southern Indiana Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning 2018 Celebration of Teaching and Learning Symposium, Evansville, IN, January 25.

Stacer, M.J., Moll., L.M.*, & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2017). “They are people like you and me”: Student perceptions of inmates. Presentation give at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA, November 15-18. *Undergraduate Student.

Roberts, M.R. & Stacer, M.J. (2017). “Reversing the trend”: The role of mentoring in offender reentry. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Western Association of Criminal Justice, Spokane, WA, October 4-6.

Stacer, M.J., Moll., L.M.*, & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2017). “I just expected something that I would see on television”: Correctional facility tours and students’ thoughts about inmates. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, Indianapolis, IN, March 31-April 1. *Undergraduate Student.


Stacer, M.J., Moll, L.M.*, & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2017). New opportunities or closing doors? How correctional facility tours impact students’ thoughts about careers. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Kansas City, MO, March 21-25. *Undergraduate Student.

Solinas-Saunders, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2016). Domestic violence offenders and rehabilitation programs: Should heterosexual men and women follow the same protocol? To be presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, LA, November 16-19.

Stacer, M.J. (2016). Protecting your research from litigation. Presented as part of the Panel “Research, Ethics, and the Law” to the conference of the World Communication Association—North America, Winnipeg, Canada, August 2-5.

Stacer, M.J. (2015). Maximizing the seminar-style course in criminal justice programs. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC, November 18-21.

Dickerson, J., & Stacer, M.J. (2015). Participants and those who opted out: A recidivism study of the Vanderburgh County Treatment Court. Revised presentation given at the meeting of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences, London, England, November 3-6.

Stacer, M.J., Eagleson, R., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2015). Exploring the utility of correctional facility tours in undergraduate criminal justice education. Presentation given at the annual conference of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Evansville, IN, October 9.


Stacer, M.J., & Roberts, M.R. (2015). Mentoring in a faith-based diversion and reentry program.  Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Orlando, FL, March 3-7.

Solinas-Saunders, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2014). Court-mandated participation in batterer intervention programs: Do military veterans differ from civilian offenders? Presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November 19-22.

Dickerson, J.G., & Stacer, M.J. (2014). Participants and those who opted out: A recidivism study of the Vanderburgh County Treatment Court. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Midwestern Criminal Justice Association, Chicago, IL, September 25-27.

Priest, R., Roberts, M.R., Stacer, M.J., & Howard, L.A. (2014). The role of community engagement in faculty evaluation. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the National Social Science Association, Las Vegas, NV, April 13-15.

Roberts, M.R., & Stacer, M.J. (2014). In their own words: Offenders’ perspectives of a faith-based reentry and diversion program. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Philadelphia, PA, February 18-22.

Stacer, M.J., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2013). Supporting criminal justice students’ cognitive and affective learning through the use of field trips.  Presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA, November 20-23.

Stacer, M.J., & York, M.R. (2013). Evaluating a faith-based diversion and reentry program: Who graduates? Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Dallas, TX, March 19-23.

Stacer, M.J., & Solinas-Saunders, M. (2012). Veterans in prison: Adaptation to institutional environments. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL, November 14-17.

York, M.R., & Stacer, M.J. (2012). Offender re-entry and recidivism: A program evaluation testing the theory of reintegrative shaming. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New York, NY, March 12-17.

Solinas-Saunders, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2011). The effect of race, poverty, and abuse on female inmates’ repeated convictions. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Washington D.C., November 16-19.

Stacer, M.J. (2010). Federalism under stress: Crime and crime control. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November 17-20.

Solinas-Saunders, M., & Stacer, M.J. (2010). Physical and verbal assault in prison: How do women differ from men? Presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November 17-20.

Stacer, M.J. (2009). What does it mean to be a low-level drug offender? An examination of definitions. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA, November 4-7.

Stacer, M.J. (2009). The federalization of drug offenders. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco, CA, August 7-11.

Stacer, M.J. (2009). Teaching sociology using Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. Teaching workshop at the annual meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, Des Moines, IA, April 2-5.

Solinas-Saunders, M., Sternberg, M.P., & Stacer, M.J. (2009). Coping with prison deprivation: veteran inmates vs. non-veteran inmates. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Western Society of Criminology, San Diego, CA, February 5-7.

Stacer, M.J. (2008). ’Westernizing’ the galaxy: Klingon ‘otherness’ as affirming human superiority in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, Boston, MA, August 1-4. 

Stacer, M.J. (2008). Visitation and mental health among black and white male prison inmates.  Presentation given at the annual meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, St. Louis, MO, March 27-30. 

Stacer, M.J. (2007). Parental involvement: dimensions and determinants. Presentation given at the joint meeting of the North Central Sociological Association and the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, IL, April 5-8.

Desmond, S.A., Bruce, A.S., & Stacer, M.J. (2006). Low self-control, opportunity, and delinquency. Presentation given at the annual meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Los Angeles, CA, November 1-4.


Professional Service

President, Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, 2023-2025

Vice President, Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, 2021-2023

Director / At-Large Member, Board of Directors, Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, 2019-2021

Peer Consultant, Criminology and Criminal Justice program at Longwood University, 2024

USI Liaison to the Indiana Criminal Justice Association, 2023-present; assisted with USI hosting the ICJA southern region conference in April 2024

External Reviewer, full professor evaluation of a colleague at Penn State University-Berks, 2023

External Reviewer, full professor evaluation of a colleague at Indiana University Kokomo, 2022

Member, Student Affairs Committee, Division of Corrections and Sentencing, American Society of Criminology, 2019-present

Judge, Poster Competition for Graduate and Undergraduate Students, Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, 2019

External Evaluator, pre-tenure evaluation of a colleague at Gettysburg University, 2019

Presenter, Responsible Conduct of Research Workshop, Presentation Title: “Contemporary ethical issues in research,” University of Southern Indiana, 2016, 2017

Judge, Student Poster Competition, Western Association of Criminal Justice, 2017

Member, Outreach Committee, Division of Corrections and Sentencing, American Society of Criminology, 2012-2015

Judge, Graduate Student Paper Competition, Midwest Sociological Society, 2014

Judge, Undergraduate Student Paper Competition, Midwest Sociological Society, 2012

Newsletter Editor, Drinking and Drugs Division, Society for the Study of Social Problems, 2009-2010

Conference Participation

Session Chair

“Examining Relationships between Prisoners and Their Families.” American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA, November 2023

“Criminal Justice I.” Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Gary, IN, October 2022

“Criminal Justice II.” Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Gary, IN, October 2022

“Sociology II.” Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Gary, IN, October 2022

“Gender Studies.” Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, virtual conference, April 2021

Intended to chair three sessions at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, San Antonio, TX, March 2020, but conference was cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic

“Sub-populations in corrections.” American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November 2019

“Corrections: Inmate behavior and perceptions.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA, February 2018

“The assessment of learning outcomes for criminal justice students.” American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA, November 2017

“Babies to grannies: Addressing inmate needs at both sides of the spectrum.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Kansas City, MO, March 2017

“Assessment in criminal justice education.” Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Kansas City, MO, March 2017

“What happens in prison doesn’t stay in prison: Researching the dynamic relationships between experiences during and after prison.” American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC, November 2015  

“Special populations in corrections.” American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL, November 2012

“Politics, policymaking and criminal justice outcomes.”  American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA, November 2010


“Ethics versus legalities: An examination of research issues in criminal justice research methods.”  Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, New Orleans, LA, February 2018

Discussant and Panel Organizer

“Engaging criminal justice students in the 21st century.”  American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA, November 2013

Invited Panelist

“Issues and future trends in publishing.” Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, IL, March 2013

Workshop Organizer

“Wake up and do it! Engaging students’ sociological imaginations.”  Midwest Sociological Society, Des Moines, IA, April 2009


Manuscript Reviewer

American Journal of Criminal Justice

Corrections: Police, Practice, and Research

Criminal Justice and Behavior

Criminal Justice Policy Review

Criminal Justice Review

Criminology, Criminal Justice, Law & Society

Journal of Criminal Justice

Journal of Criminal Justice Education

Journal of Family Studies

Journal of Offender Rehabilitation

Journal of Qualitative Criminal Justice and Criminology

Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency

Justice Quarterly

Midwest Social Sciences Journal

Victims and Offenders


Textbook Reviewer

Corrections (Justice Series), Pearson Higher Education

Corrections in America 13th edition, Pearson Higher Education

Corrections Today, Wadsworth/Cengage Learning

Criminal Justice in Action: The Core, 5th edition, Wadsworth/Cengage Learning


Participation Contributing to the Advancement of Teaching Technologies

Technology Focus Group, SAGE Publishing

MindTap, Cengage Learning

MyCJLab, Pearson Higher Education

Technology and Teaching, Pearson Higher Education

Revel Quick Review, Pearson Higher Education