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Jacob Lutter

Dr. Jacob C. Lutter

Assistant Professor of Chemistry

Chemistry and Biochemistry Department


Databases and Search Engines

Google Scholar: A solid starting point for any academic literature search.

Scifinder: A product of the Chemical Abstracts Service provided by the American Chemical Society, Scifinder is a data base where you may search by keywords, chemical formula, or even chemical schematics.

Web of Science: A comprehensive database of scientific literature.

PubMed: A database of scientific literature provided by the United States Government.

Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre: A repository of crystallographic data in CIF format.

Helpful Free Software

Mercury: Developed by the CCDC, Mercury is a 3D visualization software that is an essential tool for the modern inorganic chemist.

POV-Ray: A ray-tracing program that has a convenient plug-in with Mercury. Able to generate beautiful hi-res images.

ShelXTL: Crystal structure solution and refinement software suite developed by George Sheldrick.

ShelXLe: A GUI with many quality-of-life features for crystal structure refinement using ShelXL.

Olex2: Another choice for a crystal structure solution and refinement GUI using ShelX, packed with additional features.

PLATON: Crystal structure refinement software that can check for missed symmetry, unrefined voids, and SQUEEZE disordered solvent.

SHAPE v2.1: Useful software for determining ligand field geometry compared to idealized coordinates.

Discovery Studio: 3D visualization software that offers a wide range of features including small molecule modeling and structural overlays.

Mendeley: A free citation software suite that allows you to create a personal library of literature sources. Includes a plug-in for Microsoft Word.

publCIF: CIF editor for publication in certain journals.

FeedReader: RSS feedreader to stay on top of new publications based on personalized keywords.

ScreenToGIF: A screen capture software that offers easy conversion into GIFs or short videos.

Useful Links

IONiC VIPEr: A wonderful resource for pedagogical materials made by inorganic chemists, for inorganic chemists.

Shannon Radii: A quick reference for atomic or ionic radii of the elements.

Symmetry@Otterbein: Great resource for visualizing symmetry elements and practicing point group determination.

ChemTube3d: A one-stop shop for 3D visualization for various topics in both organic and inorganic chemistry.

Character Tables: Collection of chemically relevant character tables.

checkCIF: Online tool from the IUCr that checks your CIF for potential problems from refinement.

WebElements: An online resource with many representations of the periodic table of the elements.

QR Chem: A resource from UCLA that allows one to associate a QR code with a chemical structure.