Journal Publications
- 2019 Cost, I.N. , Middleton, K.M., Sellers, K.C., Echols, M.S., Witmer, L.M., Davis, J.L. &, Holliday, C.M., Palatal biomechanics and its significance for cranial kinesis in Tyrannosaurus Rex , Anatomical Record.
- 2019 Davis, J.L., McDonald T.N. & Kicklighter, B.L., It's not a matter of time! (A work in progress), American Society of Engineering Education, Tampa Bay, FL.
- 2019 Davis, J.L., McDonald T.N. & Kloosterman, J.L., Students - Ask them to eat their Steaks!, American Society of Engineering Education, Tampa Bay, FL.
- 2018 McDonald T.N. & Davis, J.L., Students - Ask them to eat their vegetables!, American Society of Engineering Education, Salt Lake City, UT.
- 2017 Smith, N. & Davis, J.L. Collaborating with Industry Partner within an Undergraduate Finite Element Course, American Society for Engineering Education, Columbus, OH.
- 2017 Davis, J.L. & Chelbowski, A.C. Work in Progress: Oh The Irony: A Six-Section Rube Goldberg Machine for Freshman Engineering Design, American Society for Engineering Education, Columbus, OH.
- 2017 Sellers, K.C., Middleton, K.M., Davis, J.L. & Holliday, C.M. Ontogeny of Bite Force in a Validated Biomechanical Model of the American Alligator, Journal of Experimental Biology.
- 2016 Arena, S.L., Davis, J.L., Grant, J.W., Madigan, M.L. Tripping elicits earlier and larger deviations in linear head acceleration compared to slipping, PLoS One.
- 2016 McDonald T.N., Davis, J.L. & Goodman, K.D., Look Ahead problem, American Journal of Engineering Education.
- 2016 McDonald T.N. & Davis, J.L., Can enforcing an organized solution lead to better grades?, American Society of Engineering Education, New Orleans, LA.
- 2016 Smith, N.L. & Davis, J.L., Connecting Theory and Software: Experience with an Undergraduate Finite Element Course, Computers in Engineering Education Journal, 7(2).
- 2016 Davis, J.L. & McDonald, T.N., Online, Handwritten or Hybrid Homework: Whats best for our students in the long run?, Journal of Online Engineering Education, 7(1).
- 2015 Chlebowski, A.C., Davis, J.L. & Mitchell, Z.W. Team Grouping Strategies in Freshman Engineering Design Courses., First Year Engineering Experience Conference, Roanoke/Blacksburg, VA.
- 2015 Arena, S.L., Davis, J.L., Grant, J.W., Madigan, M.L. Head Accelerations After Slipping and Tripping Exceed Those During Walking. American Society of Biomechanics, Columbus, OH.
- 2015 Smith, N.L. & Davis, J.L. Connecting Theory and Software: Experience with an Undergraduate Finite Element Course. American Society of Engineering Education, Seattle, WA.
- 2015 Field, B.S., Davis, J.L., Taylor, E.M., Volz, L.J., & McCloud, E.S. A device for measuring the flexural stiffness of insect wings, or How to make a wing-bar gizmo. Indiana Academy of Sciences.
- 2015 Davis, J.L. & Smith, N.L. Connecting Finite Element Modeling With Strengths of Materials and Vibrations Using Beam Experiments. ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition.
- 2014 Davis, J.L. & Grant, J.W. Turtle utricle dynamic behavior using a combined anatomically accurate model and experimentally measured hair bundle stiffness. Hearing Research.
- 2014 Davis, J.L. & McDonald, T.N. Online Homework: Does it help or hurt in the long run? American Society for Engineering Education.
- 2014 Grosse, I.R., Huang, L., Davis, J.L., & Cullinane, D. A Multi-Level Hierarchical Finite Element Model for Capillary Failure in Soft Tissue. ASME Journal of Biomechanical Engineering.
- 2012 Rivera, A.R., Davis, J.L., Grant, J.W., Blob, R.W., Peterson, E.H., Neiman, A.B., Rowe, M.H. Quantifying Utricular Stimulation During Natural Behavior. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology.
- 2012 Davis, J.L. & Diersing, R.W. Systems engineering and freshman design: Reinforcing systems engineering methods and technical communication through project based learning. Conference on Higher Education and Pedagogy, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
- 2011 Davis, J.L., Dumont, E.R., Strait, D.S., & Grosse, I.R. An efficient method of modeling material properties using thermal diffusion analogy: an example based on craniofacial bone. PLoSOne.
- 2010 Dumont, E.R., Davis, J.L., Grosse, I.R. & Burrows, A. Finite Element Analysis of Performance in the Skulls of Marmosets and Tamarins. Journal of Anatomy.
- 2010 Santana, S.E., Dumont, E.R., Davis, J.L. Mechanisms of bite force production and their relationship to diet in bats. Journal of Functional Ecology.
- 2010 Davis, J.L., Santana, S.E., Dumont, E.R., Grosse, I.R. Predicting Bite Force in Mammals: 2D vs. 3D Lever Models. Journal of Experimental Biology.
- 2007 Davis, J.L., Xue, J., Peterson, E.H. & Grant, J.W. Layer Thickness and Curvature Effects on Utricle Direction in the Red Ear Slider Turtle: Static and Dynamic Analysis. Journal of Vestibular Research, 17(4): 145162.
Abstracts and Presentations
- 2019 Land, Z.M., Jones, J., Curthoys, I.S., Grant, J.W. & Davis, J.L., Guniea Pig Saccule Finite Element Model; Spanning the Dynamic Range of VEMP Testing, Association for Research in Otolaryngology - 42nd Annual MidWinter Meeting, Baltimore, MD.
- 2018 Land, Z.M., Davis, J.L., Curthoys, I.S., Grant, J.W. Utricle Finite Element model; Implications at VEMPs Stimulation Frequencies, Association for Research in Otolaryngology - 41st Annual MidWinter Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- 2017 Holliday, C.M., Hill, C.A., Davis, J.L., Witmer, L.M. & Middleton K.M., Inside Dinosaurs: A Broader Impacts Program for Research, Teaching and Public Education Through Dinosaur Biology, Physics and Evolution, The FASEB Journal vol. 31 no. 1 Supplement 734.8
- 2017 Wilken, A.T., Middleton, K.M., Sellers, K.C., Cost, I.N., Davis, J.L. & Holliday, C.M., Modeling Complex Cranial Joints in Varanus exanthematicus The FASEB Journal vol. 31 no. 1 Supplement 579.1
- 2017 Sellers, K.C., Middleton, K.M., Davis, J.L. & Holliday, C.M., Biomechanics and the Evolution of the Crocodyliform Skull The FASEB Journal vol. 31 no. 1 Supplement 577.7
- 2017 Davis, J.L. Structuring a Class Period: Reaching Different Learning Styles in the Classroom, University of Southern Indiana: Celebration of Teaching and Learning Symposium, Evansville, IN.
- 2016 Cost, I.N., Spates, A., Sellers, K.C., Davis, J.L., Middleton, K.M., Witmer, L.M. and Holliday, C.M. Relative kinetic competency in the palatal complexes of birds and other diapsids. Program & Abstracts of the 11th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, Washington, D.C. Anatomical Record, Volume 299, Special Feature: 208209.
- 2016 Cost, I.N., Sellers, K.C., Davis, J.L., Middleton, K.M., Witmer, L.M., & Holliday, C.M. Postural changes and kinetic competency in the palates of birds and other diapsids. 76th Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Salt Lake City, UT. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology Supplement Meeting Program and Abstracts: 120121.
- 2016 Craig, R., Davis, J.L., Wong, C., Curthoys, I.S., Grant, J.W. FEA Model for High Frequency Stimulus of Utricle Receptors, Association for Research in Otolaryngology Midwinter Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- 2016 Ninad, N., Davis, J.L. and Field, B.S. and McCloud, E.S. Contributions of wing condition and wing veins to flexural stiffness in three species of Lycaenid butterflies Presented at Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR.
- 2015 Davis, J.L., McCloud, E.S. & Field, B.S. Non-uniform Material Properties observed in Lycaenidae Wing Veins, Presented at Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, West Palm Beach, FL.
- 2015 Sellers, K.C., Davis, J.L., Mongalo, M., Jacoby, M.J. & Holliday, C.M. Estimates of Three-Dimensional Cranial Joint Forces in the American Alligator, Presented at Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, West Palm Beach, FL.
- 2014 Holliday, C.M., Sellers, K.C., Davis, J.L., Middleton, K.M., Witmer, L.M. Modeling Cranial Biomechanics in Archosaurus Using 3D Computational Methods, Presented at Society of Vertebrate Paleontology, Belin, Germany
- 2014 Holliday, C.M., Tea, J.C., Sellers, K.C., Witmer, L.M., & Davis, J.L. Estimate bite force in fossil vertebrate using 3D computational methods, Presented at Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX.
- 2014 Sellers, K.C., Miller-Phillips, C.M., Schmiegelow, A.B., Davis, J.L. & Holliday, C.M. A Three Dimensional model of bite force in alligator Mississippiensis, Presented at Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX.
- 2013 Volz, L.J., Taylor, E.M., Simpson, K.B., Field, B.S., McCloud, E.S., & Davis, J.L. Flexural Stiffness & False Head Behavior in Lycaenidae Hind Wings, Presented at Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, San Francisco, CA.
- 2012 Volz, L.J., Tepool, E.S., McCloud, E.S., Field, B.S., Davis, J.L., False head behavior and mechanics of a temperate buttery: Experiment and modeling, Presented at ASME Student Professional Development Conference, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO.
- 2009 Davis, J.L., Santana, S.E., Dumont, E.R., Grosse, I.R. Techniques for Predicting Bite Force in Bats. Presented at Northeast Regional Division of Vertebrate Morphology & Division of Comparative Biomechanics meeting, Brown University, Providence, RI.
- 2009 Rivera, A., Davis, J.L., Grant, J.W., Blob, R.W., Peterson, E.H., Neimann, A.B., Rowe, M.H. Characterizing utricular stimulation during natural behaviors of the turtle, Trachemys Scripta. Presented atAssociation for the Research in Otolaryngology, Baltimore, MD.
- 2007 Davis, J.L. & Grant, J.W. Contribution of Hair Bundles to Shear Stiffness of the Column Filament Layer in the Turtle Utricle. Presented at Association of Research in Otolaryngology, Denver, CO
- 2006 Davis, J.L. & Grant, J.W. Computational Modeling of the Turtle Utricle. Presented at Virginia Academy of Science, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA.
- 2004 Davis, J.L. & Grant, J.W. Effects of Otoconia Thickness and Overall Curvature on Utricular Otolith Dynamics. Presented at Association of Research in Otolaryngology, Daytona, FL; and Presented at Virginia Tech-Wake Forest Student Symposium, Wake Forest, NC.
Other Publications/Presentations
- 2019 Davis, Julian. Wolfram Computational Essay. Presented at Wolfram Summer School, Waltham, MA
- 2019 Davis, Julian. Wolfram Summer School Community Post: