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Andrew Buck

Dr. Andrew D. Buck, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Sociology

Sociology Department

Chair of Sociology

Sociology Department


Manuscripts under review

“Power and Praise: Fields of Power and Positive Discourses in the Late Soviet Period.” Working paper. [co-author with Jeffrey Hass]

“New Harmony’s Utopian Socialist Experiment: Lessons for the Twenty-First Century.” Chapter prepared for edited volume about New Harmony submitted to university presses.

Selected publications

“Critical Letter Writing and Deliberation during the Brezhnev Era.” Europe-Asia Studies 76, 4: 590-612, 2024. 

 “Understanding the War in Ukraine.” Trajectories: Newsletter of the ASA Comparative and Historical Sociology Section, 33, 1 (Winter-Spring): 9-12, 2022. [co-author with Jeffrey Hass]

“The Corporate Networks and Symbolic Capital of British Business Leaders.” Sociological Perspectives, 61, 3: 467-486, 2018.

“Coalitional Configurations: A Structural Analysis of Democratization in the Former Soviet Union.” Demokratizatsiya: The Journal of Post-Soviet Democratization, 26, 1: 25-54, 2018. [co-author with Jeffrey Hass]

“Russian and Post-Soviet Studies: Society.” Pp. 851-55 in International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Edition, edited by James D. Wright, Elsevier, Oxford, 2015.

“Network Mobilization and the Origins of the Putin Coalition.” Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics 25, 4: 445-470, 2010. [Lead article]

"Coalition Politics in a Post-Socialist Russian City, 1994-2000." Sociological Forum 28, 3: 500-531, 2007.

“Elite Networks and Worldviews during the Yeltsin Years.” Europe-Asia Studies 59, 4: 643-661, 2007.

“Post-Socialist Patronage: Expressions of Resistance and Loyalty.” Studies in Comparative International Development 41, 3: 3-24, 2006. [Lead article]

"Networks of Governance and Privatization: A View from Provincial Russia." Political Power and Social Theory 13: 81-108, 1999.