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Employee Events

Involves USI’s administrators in university-wide events; sponsors events that recognize the service and achievements of administrators at USI.

Chair: Tami Jaramillo Zuniga
Vice Chair: Mackenzie Schmitt

Employee Outreach

Develops productive partnerships with university groups such as the Faculty Senate, the Staff Council, and student groups; works with HR to welcome new staff and increase awareness of the Senate in the larger community.

Chair: Tami Jaramillo Zuniga
Vice Chair: Mackenzie Schmitt

Employee Relations and Benefits

Reviews salaries and benefits and makes annual recommendations for changes; works with Human Resources regarding employee concerns and the process to address those concerns; recommends promotion and progression steps; addresses the relationship between administrators and the University as an employer; reviews, studies, and recommends Senate action regarding performance, evaluation, professional leave, and policies and procedures which affect administrators’ ability to function in their positions. 

Chair: Kathy Oeth
Vice Chair:
Laurie Wilson

Liaison: Director of HR

Nominations and Elections

Composed of three continuing Senators appointed by the Executive Committee and chaired by the Past Chairperson, the Elections Committee manages and oversees the annual elections process for Senators and Senate officers. In addition, the committee shall monitor the number of administrators in each Senate district to ensure adequate and equitable representation. If it is necessary to reconfigure the composition of districts (in response to university restructuring or other changes in the number of department administrators), then the Elections Committee shall also carry out that duty.

Chair: Taylor Gogel

Professional Development

Addresses efforts to provide and encourage professional growth and development of administrators; assists in developing training for administrative staff, specifically during fall and spring meeting activities; reviews, studies, and recommends Senate action regarding such matters as professional leave and continuing education.

Chair: Vacant
Vice Chair: Erin Hollinger


Ad Hoc Committees: The chair and/or the Senate Executive Committee shall appoint ad hoc committees as needed. The Bylaws Committee will examine changes and additions to the Administrative Senate Constitution and Bylaws.

Chair: Taylor Gogel

Employee Events

  1. Increase employee engagement at events by 100% 
  2. Increase the variety of events 
  3. Partner with other areas on campus 
  4. Get feedback from employees on what types of events they would like to attend 

Employee Outreach

  1. Volunteer Pilot Program – revisit and launch 
  2. Onboarding experience (with Prof Dev Comm?) - information, swag 
  3. Archie’s Flight Map – steps around campus 
  4. New Employee Buddy (phone call / physical welcome/email) 

Employee Relations and Benefits

  1. Travel per diem – bring USI up to a reasonable level to cover the cost of meals 
  2. Sick Leave Bank – would like to make it more of a “multipurpose leave” bank 
  3. Examine the bus transportation situation (many employees need a ride to work) 
  4. Extending the vacation cap 

Nominations and Elections

  1. Increase election participation (# of votes) by 15% 
  2. Utilize Past Chairs to promote elections 
  3. Review the election process to ensure user-friendliness 
  4. Engage constituents throughout the year to increase top-of-mind awareness 

Professional Development

  1. Establish a full-year schedule for professional development activities (1 per month) 
  2. Bring back the online orientation resource for onboarding new employees (work with Communications) (with Outreach?) 
  3. Some Administrator spotlighting (USI Today, Illume, award recognition...?) 
  4. Research professional development funds outside of individual departments – how can the University support larger PD endeavors?
