Hunter Baird
Working at the University of Southern Indiana as a Center for International Programs Advisor.

Anh T. Nguyen
Pursuing his doctorate in Media & Critical Cultural Communication in the Department of Communication and Journalism at The University of New Mexico.

Marcia Mishler
Teaching English and Spanish for the South Gibson School Corporation.

Phillis Brown
Working at USAID- Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance

Kountiala Jean de Dieu Somé
Pursuing a doctorate in Teaching and Learning, with a focus on Translanguaging and Language policy in education at Illinois State University.

Afnan Alnashwan
Joined the Master's program in English at Georgetown University.

Cesar Berríos Chavarria
Working as the Program Advisor in the Multicultural Center at the University of Southern Indiana.

Ai Hashiguchi
Working at in Tokyo as a Team Leader.

Virginia Morgan
Working at Berry Global in the International Compliance department.

Lance Grubb
Teaching French at Westfield High School in Westfield, Indiana.