Scholarships and Aid
A full list of College of Liberal Arts scholarships also is available.
Name |
# of Awards |
Amount |
Cash Award |
Academic Achievement Award in Political Science
1 |
✓ |
Ann & Matthew Hanka Political Science Scholarship
1 |
Ann & Matthew Hanka Public Administration Graduate Scholarship
1 |
Barbara and Howard Trockman Pre-Law Scholarship
1 |
Brooks Inns of Court Pre-Law Scholarship
1 |
Chad J. Fetscher Scholarship
1 |
Josephine D. & D. Bailey Merrill Scholarship
1 |
Petranek Non-Traditional Scholarship
1 |
Philosophy Recognition Award
1 |
✓ |
Robert W. Carithers Scholarship for Arts and Humanities
4 |
Scott Michael Carr Political Science Scholarship
1 |
USI Political Science Club Award
1 |
✓ |
Wallace C. & Kathleen Wardner Memorial Scholarship
1 |
Academic Achievement Award in Political Science
Selection Process:
- Faculty to select
Criteria: The award is given to a student who is a senior political science major who ranks among those with the highest GPAs in the major as well as a high GPA overall. The members of the department discuss the potential candidates and select the eventual winner by majority vote. Not renewable. May not be awarded to a graduating senior.
Ann & Matthew Hanka Political Science Scholarship
Selection Process:
- Faculty to select
Criteria: Political science major who has attained 30 credit hours (sophomore standing), minimum GPA of 3.5, application must include 500 word essay discussing how the political science major will help the student succeed in his/her college career and how coursework in the major will prepare the student for a career or for graduate school. Recipient selected by political science faculty. May not be awarded to a graduating senior.
Ann & Matthew Hanka Public Administration Graduate Scholarship
Selection Process:
- Faculty to select
Criteria: Recipient must be a student in the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program with a minimum 3.5 GPA who has earned a minimum of 12 credit hours at the time the award will be used. The scholarship will be based on the best paper on a topic in the field of public administration. Recipient will be selected by the MPA program faculty. Submission deadline is February 1. May not be awarded to a graduating senior.
Barbara and Howard Trockman Pre-Law Scholarship
Selection Process:
- Faculty to select
Criteria: Sophomore or junior student planning to attend law school who demonstrates financial need to be used during junior or senior year. Automatically renewable. May not be awarded to a graduating senior. Recipient must be enrolled during the upcoming academic year in order to receive this scholarship. Renewable if criteria is still being met. Student Financial Assistance must validate need.
Brooks Inns of Court Pre-Law Scholarship
Selection Process:
- Faculty to select
Criteria: Top student with 3.0 GPA or higher preparing for a career in law. Award to be made in student's junior year to be used during their senior year. Preference to student with financial need. May not be awarded to a graduating senior. Recipient must be enrolled during the upcoming academic year in order to receive this scholarship. Not renewable. Student Financial Assistance must validate need.
Chad J. Fetscher Scholarship
Selection Process:
- Admission to select
Criteria: For student that has graduated from the Randall T. Shepard Academy for Law & Social Justice. Renewable with a 3.0 GPA. May not be awarded to a graduating senior. Recipient must be enrolled during the upcoming academic year in order to receive this scholarship.
Josephine D. & D. Bailey Merrill Scholarship
Selection Process:
- Faculty to select
Criteria: Political science major who has attained 60 credit hours, minimum GPA of 3.5, application must include 500 word essay discussing how coursework has prepared him/her for a career or graduate school. Award determined by political science faculty. May not be awarded to a graduating senior. Recipient must be enrolled during the upcoming academic year in order to receive this scholarship. Students may reapply.
Petranek Non-Traditional Scholarship
Selection Process:
- Faculty to select
Criteria: Award to a non-traditional student who is at least 25 years old who is majoring in sociology, psychology, political science or history and has a minimum 3.0 GPA. Scholarship to be used during junior or senior year and is not renewable, but may be applied for and awarded for a second year. Preference will be given to students with financial need. May not be awarded to a graduating senior. Recipient must be enrolled during the upcoming academic year in order to receive this scholarship. Student Financial Assistance must validate need.
Philosophy Recognition Award
Selection Process:
- Faculty to select
Criteria: To recognize outstanding work in philosophy; junior or senior philosophy major or minor with minimum 3.0 GPA; selected by the philosophy faculty. Can be re-awarded if faculty selects same recipient. May not be awarded to a graduating senior.
Robert W. Carithers Scholarship for Arts and Humanities
Selection Process:
- Other
Criteria: Awarded each year to an incoming freshman planning to major in art, English, history, philosophy, theatre, or world language with minimum 3.0 GPA and demonstrated financial need. See current brochure. Automatically renewable if recipient still meets criteria. Selected by Society for Arts & Humanities. May not be awarded to a graduating senior. Recipient must be enrolled during the upcoming academic year in order to receive this scholarship. Student Financial Assistance must validate need.
Scott Michael Carr Political Science Scholarship
Selection Process:
- Faculty to select
Criteria: Award to a USI Political Science student who has or will volunteer in a local campaign race. Recipient must be enrolled during the academic year of selection and during the coming academic year in order to receive the scholarship. Not renewable. May not be awarded to a graduating senior.
USI Political Science Club Award
Selection Process:
- Faculty to select
Criteria: Full-time political science major with a 3.3 GPA after 63 credit hours. Demonstrate interest in clubs, organizations and community involvement. Chosen by Political Science department faculty. May not be awarded to a graduating senior.
Wallace C. & Kathleen Wardner Memorial Scholarship
Selection Process:
- Admission to select
Criteria: Recipient must be a resident of Southwestern Indiana, have a high school minimum cumulative 3.5 GPA, a record of participation in extracurricular and community activities and whose majors falls within the social sciences (psychology, sociology, political science or philosophy). May not be awarded to a graduating senior. Recipient must be enrolled during the upcoming academic year in order to receive this scholarship. Renewable with a 3.0 GPA.