Dr. Milewicz is an Associate Professor of Marketing and Chair of the Economics and Marketing Department in the Romain College of Business at the University of Southern Indiana. He teaches marketing courses in the MBA program as well as undergraduate courses in marketing management, personal selling, and principals of marketing. Dr. Milewicz holds an MBA and a Ph.D. with a concentration in marketing from the University of Central Florida. His research focuses on marketing strategy, professional selling, and marketing education. His research has been presented and many international conferences and has been published in many journals, including Industrial Marketing Management, Marketing Management Journal, Journal of Political Marketing, Management Research Review, Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy, Asian Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Journal of Education in Business, and Marketing Education Review. Dr. Milewicz is a former President of the Marketing Management Association (MMA) and a current Board Member for the MMA. In addition to serving as a reviewer for several marketing journals, Dr. Milewicz also provides marketing research and consulting services for cities, private companies, and NGOs.