Making international students feel welcome at USI
February 6, 2017
As a higher learning institute, we are here not only to teach students, but to learn from them as well. Diversity enriches our lives. It opens our eyes to new perspectives and experiences and is something we should all embrace. Opportunities for enrichment abound at USI, with faculty, staff and students from the United States, and around the world.
USI's Center for International Programs works with USI students from more than 50 countries, and has numerous programs designed to give USI employees the chance to interact with and get to know these students and their cultures. Expanding our understanding, we often find more similarities than differences. Here are a few ways we can make our international students feel more at home:
#YouAreWelcomeHere campaign
The Center for International Programs is participating in the nationwide #YouAreWelcomeHere campaign to let our international students know that they are a part not just of our community, but our USI family. "The campaign is intended to reassure current and prospective international students that U.S. higher education institutions are committed to providing a welcoming and safe environment for all students," said Heidi Gregori-Gahan, assistant provost for International Programs and Services. As part of this campaign, a video montage of warm welcomes and inclusiveness will be made. The center is asking for students, faculty and staff to participate in the video, which will be shared on their website and social media channels. They are hoping to have video clips collected by Friday, February 10, so they can begin editing. If you would like to be included, contact Phillis Brown, graduate assistant, at prbrown_se@usi.edu or call 812-465-1248 to schedule a time.
Eagles Community Support
Faculty, staff and students are invited to share reactions and support one another concerning recent national events from 11:30 a.m.to 1 p.m., Wednesday, February 8 in Carter Hall. The event is sponsored by the Counseling Center, Center for International Programs, Multicultural Center, Religious Life and the Dean of Students Office. It is meant to be a safe and debate-free space. Participants may bring a sack lunch. For more information, contact Ashley Evearett at aevearitt@usi.edu or 812-464-1867.
International Food Expo
Tickets are available now for the annual International Food Expo. From 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Friday, February 17 in Carter Hall, experience the music, fashion and dance from around the world, as well as fill your stomach with delicious international cuisine. The cost is $10 in advance or $15 at the door. Advance tickets can be purchased at the Center for International Programs. Try a sampling of fare from 23 countries including, new this year, fare from Tunisia, Mozambique, Morocco, Bahrain and Bolivia.
Culture Nights
Culture Nights are held on several Tuesday evenings throughout the year at 7:30 p.m. in the Ruston Hall Multipurpose Room. This is an excellent opportunity to engage with international students and learn more about their countries and cultures.
- February 14: Trinidad
- February 28: Tunisia
- March 14: Costa Rica
- April 4: Vietnam
- April 18: Zimbabwe
Host Family Program
The Host Family Program allows USI employees the chance to spend quality time with our international students as they navigate their way around USI and Evansville. Sign-up to host a student and take them to your favorite local spots or restaurants, invite them over for dinner, swap recipes, share stories or give them a call and ask how classes are going. Adapting to a new culture can be challenging. There are many ways to make USI international students feel more comfortable and welcome, and having a familiar face on campus can help.
For more information about the International Food Expo, Culture Nights or the Host Family Program, contact Nicole Vernon at nmvernon@usi.edu or 812-228-5092.