Boost your academic success with Student Success Week
January 28, 2014
The University of Southern Indiana's University Division offers its third annual Student Success Week Monday, February 3, through Friday, February 7, in University Center East.
Student Success Week is dedicated to improving students' academic success and retention on campus. More than 70 workshops focused on developing a student's mind, self, and awareness of the world will be presented by faculty, administrators, students, and alumni.
"It's the only event on campus that I know of where faculty, administrators, students and alumni all come together to provide their insight and expertise," said Tim Fitzgibbon, advisor and coordinator of programs and services in University Division.
"We purposely scheduled events that will appeal to all students. A junior or senior may be drawn to the sessions on internships, resume preparation, and preparing for the MCAT or LSAT; a first- or second-year student may find the sessions on enhancing relationships with their professors, service learning and studying abroad most appealing."
Topics such as healthy relationships, dealing with stress and financial aid information have broad appeal.
"We had over 700 attendees throughout the week last year and I expect to see equal or greater numbers again this year," Fitzgibbon said.
Student Success Week sessions will run 1:55 to 4:05 p.m. Monday; 10:20 a.m. to 2:20 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday; and 1:20 to 4:40 p.m. Wednesday.
Download the Student Success Week brochure.
Student Success Week culminates with a party from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, February 7, featuring food, entertainment and prizes (including an iPad mini) in the Writers' Room (Education Center Room 1102).
For each session that a student attends, she or he can enter the drawing for the iPad mini. The more sessions students attend, the greater the opportunity to win. Students need not be present to at the party to win the iPad mini. University Division also will give away $250 worth of gift cards for those in attendance.