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The Performing Arts Department prepares students to be successful in any aspect of theater or music through our immersive program that allows students to explore everything from performing to behind the scenes, from vocal to instrumental. The professional experience they will gain in our department will set them apart from the rest.

USI Performing Arts offers an educational experience few undergraduate programs can match. Led by a faculty with significant and ongoing professional experience, many students earn the unique opportunity to work with professional artists. Our students have gone on to train at some of the most prestigious graduate and internship programs in the country.

USI Theatre's season includes up to four full-scale productions annually, providing opportunities for students to apply classroom knowledge on stage or behind the scenes as early as their freshman year.

Interested in working with our productions but not ready to commit to a major or minor? Let us know!

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Theatre Arts
Applied Vocal Music Education
Applied Vocal Music Performance
General Music
Theatre Arts
Theatre Education Teaching


Theatre majors Perci Hale '22 and Blake Whitehouse '22
appear in USI's episode of The College Tour

Advanced Lighting Design gave senior tech student Austin Ferrari the skills to succeed.

Hear his story in the video below.


USI Chamber Choir performs in Ireland

The USI Chamber Choir performed at at array of acclaimed venues in May, partnering with several international choirs along the way.

Madrigal Feaste returns November 30-December 3

Come join USI's most enduring musical tradition! The Madrigal Feaste showcases members of the USI Chamber Choir, who don period costumes and entertain with selections of old English and Irish Madrigals, folk songs and holiday choral selections. Four shows, November 30-December 3.